

php Programming Glossary: indexes

A script to change all tables and fields to the utf-8-bin collation in MYSQL


ass. I had data is UTF8 stored as latin1. What I did Drop indexes. Convert fields to binary. Convert to utf8 general ci If your..

Is there any way to check the performance of mysql Indexing


can add covering index KEY col1 col2 col3 Note Adding more indexes will slow down your insert queries. share improve this answer..

Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability


is doing Whether those are optimized using the right indexes mainly using the EXPLAIN instruction if you are using MySQL.. When you have to go to the DB use efficient queries use indexes and profile And what now If you are still reading what else..

php multi-dimensional array remove duplicate


A quick solution which uses the uniqueness of array indexes newArr array foreach array as val newArr val 2 val array array_values.. line with foreach array_reverse array as val Notice 2 The indexes in the resulting array are somewhat mixed up. But I guess this..

List of Big-O for PHP functions


create lookup array array array_fill 0 i NULL build test indexes test_indexes array for j 0 j tests j test_indexes rand 0 i.. array array array_fill 0 i NULL build test indexes test_indexes array for j 0 j tests j test_indexes rand 0 i 1 benchmark.. test indexes test_indexes array for j 0 j tests j test_indexes rand 0 i 1 benchmark array lookups start microtime TRUE foreach..

Turn database result into array


each node's parent id. The query makes pretty good use of indexes id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len..

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?


validation system Kinda unintuitive status role system indexes upside down impractical Uses potentially unsafe sha1 hashing..

Java equivalent to PHP's preg_replace_callback


ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL


are not referenced addKey method is used for adding of indexes to a table. It has such parameters tableName the table name.. key name dropKey method is used for removing of the table indexes. It has such parameters tableName the table name where the index..

MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one


slow 0.1 .2 seconds to much for my app I'm already using indexes . I don't know how to improve this using MySQL. Is there a way.. build a cassandra cluster I was asked to post what are the indexes here they are mysql show index in thread PRIMARY id forumid.. a well designed innodb table and how best to use clustered indexes only available with innodb http dev.mysql.com doc refman 5.0..

Why should I fix E_NOTICE errors?


AMBIGUOUS ARRAY INDEXES It also warns you about array indexes that might change on you e.g. Example code looks like this today..

Find the last element of an array while using a foreach loop in PHP


i arr.length 1 true false In PHP they have non integer indexes to access arrays. So you must iterate over an array using a..

PHP reindex array?


reindex array I have array that i had to unset some indexes so now it looks like myarray 0 a 1 1 a 7 b 3 3 a 8 b 6 4 a 3.. b 2 as you can see 2 is missing all i need to do is reset indexes so they show 0 3 . php arrays index share improve this question..

PHP: Sort an array by the length of its values?


usort array 'sort' Use uasort if you want to keep the old indexes use usort if you don't care. Also I believe that my version..

How do I run Django and PHP together on one Apache server?


deny allow Deny from all Directory Directory C web Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order allow deny Allow from.. to phpmyadmin Directory full path to phpmyadmin Options Indexes ...etc... Directory WSGIScriptAlias full path to django project.. php.localhost Alias C web Directory C web Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Order Deny Allow Allow from..

WAMP Server ERROR “Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.”


from all # Directory c wamp apps phpmyadmin3.4.5 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Deny Allow.. and change Directory c wamp apps phpmyadmin3.5.1 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Deny Allow.. Directory to Directory c wamp apps phpmyadmin3.5.1 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Allow Deny..

Is there any way to check the performance of mysql Indexing


check the performance of mysql Indexing I have assigned Indexes for my tables. Is there any way to identify the performance..

How to Mask Extension in URL


IfModule mod_rewrite.c Options FollowSymLinks Options Indexes RewriteEngine On RewriteCond SCRIPT_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^..

Help securing files access with htaccess and php?


.htaccess to deny directory browsing like so Options All Indexes . Other than that... I have no idea what steps to take. I've..

php link to image file outside default web directory


Public_html Image Directory User Public_html Image Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow deny Allow from all..

Symfony dynamic subdomains


IfModule mod_rewrite.c Options FollowSymLinks Options Indexes RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond HTTP_HOST www.domain.com..

CodeIgniter multi-application .htaccess problem


works fine on localhost Options FollowSymLinks Options Indexes DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteEngine on RewriteCond 1 ^ index..

Zend Framework and Wordpress Integration


error log CustomLog logs twps access_log common Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow deny Allow from..

How to add a custom text field in Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General tab in admin panel?


will provide a notice that you need to re index one two Indexes from the Index Management section with the link of this section..

Gzip compression through .htaccess not working


404 404.php ErrorDocument 500 500.php Options Indexes IndexOptions FancyIndexing ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault access..

Routing URLs in PHP


it's installed DirectorySlash Off Options FollowSymLinks Indexes DirectoryIndex index.php RewriteEngine on RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME..

Search-Engine Friendly URLs


f RewriteRule ^ . index.php url 1 QSA L Options Indexes IfModule in your php file you can access data from _GET _GET..

PHP/SQL: ORDER BY or sort($array)?


with. But as a rule you perform sorting on database side. Indexes collations and all this they help. share improve this answer..

move_uploaded_file gives “failed to open stream: Permission denied ” error after all configurations i did


Directory var www html mysite tmp_file_upload Options Indexes AllowOverride None Order allow deny Allow from all Directory.. Directory Directory var www html mysite images Options Indexes Directory CentOS directory permissions drwxrwxr x 2 root root..

MySQL date or PHP time?


the values without having to format the response further. Indexes A good technical reason to use the date types is that it allows..