php Programming Glossary: incorrect
Save my cookie data to MySQL database? than use the insert query because the query you wrote is incorrect you saying insert into user_data the first name the last name..
PHP CURL not working - WAMP on Windows 7 64 bit failed to start because its side bysiede configuration is incorrect. please see the application event log or use the command lin..
Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string? is limited to one query and use mysql_real_escape_string incorrectly. The only example I can think of is the following mysql_query.. you from the following input 5 OR 1 1 I would see this as incorrect usage of mysql_real_escape_string rather than a shortcoming.. get around mysql_real_escape_string that does not rely on incorrect handling of numeric values or forget that mysql_query can only..
How do I use filesystem functions in PHP, using UTF-8 strings? but understand that non ASCII characters will appear incorrect outside PHP. A non ASCII UTF 8 char will be stored as multiple..
How can I store my users' passwords safely? Access denied echo The username or password you entered is incorrect. else _SESSION 'id' mysql_result result 0 'id' #header Location..
How to do AES256 decryption in PHP? mcrypt_generic_init function.mcrypt generic init Iv size incorrect supplied length 32 needed 16 in var www includes function.decrypt_data.php..
What does the `[^][]` regex mean? it is not ambiguous for the php regex engine. Since ^ is incorrect for the php regex engine the only way for the regex engine is..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? At least from the stylistic viewpoint. If code blocks are incorrectly closed or nested you may need to investigate even further.. Two strings identifiers directly following each other are incorrect in most contexts. Whitespace is your friend . Follow any coding..
how to replace special characters with the ones they're based on in PHP? encoding share improve this question This answer is incorrect. I didn't understand Unicode Normalization when I wrote it...
How to make PHP generate Chunked response Whether or not it will eventually squeeze out it out's own incorrect chunk count remains to be seen... but I saw no sign of it. php..
Escaping MySQL wild cards uses backslash escaping LIKE 'something ' . Argh This is incorrect according to ANSI SQL which says that in string literals backslashes.. for MS SQL Server and Sybase where the character is also incorrectly special in a LIKE statement and has to be escaped. argh. ..
Is php's 'include' a function or a statement? expressions. By this reasoning include statement would be incorrect though include s are almost always used as statements. share..
How to prevent SQL injection with dynamic tablenames? share improve this question Your advice is indeed incorrect. mysql_real_escape_string will not work for dynamic table names..
ERROR: Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\…\…php on line 19 location index.php exit else echo 'That information is incorrect try again a href customer_login.php Click Here a ' exit I've..
best way to determine if a URL is an image in PHP . Of course this isn't really 100 . Some servers send incorrect headers. It will however handle cases where images are delivered..
Simple jQuery, PHP and JSONP example? the terminology may be something like this obviously it is incorrect its just so you can get an idea of what I am trying to achieve..
Multiple Inheritance in PHP inheritance is a signal your object structure is somewhat incorrect. In situation you outlined I see you have class responsibility..
json parse error with double quotes so there's no difference when you give them smth. with incorrect syntax. In this case you have to escape correctly your quotes..
Incorrect Integer (2147483647) is inserted into MySQL? Integer 2147483647 is inserted into MySQL Alright so I've been..
Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected end of file in my PHP code [closed] a br a href points.php Edit Points Tally a php else echo Incorrect login details. Please login some more html code html What's..
Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_3c51_0.MYI'; try to repair it key file for table ' tmp #sql_3c51_0.MYI' try to repair it .. server it gets an error this has more data around 6GB Incorrect key file for table ' tmp #sql_3c51_0.MYI' try to repair it Here..
How do I encrypt this password with MD5 using PHP? the member page. _SESSION 'username' username else echo Incorrect password else die That username does not exist. else die Please..
PHP showing logged in user info a fwrite fopen invoegen fclose fopen exit else echo Incorrect password else die That username doesnt exist else die Please..
Android login activity using mysql database startActivity myIntent else error.setText Sorry Incorrect Username or Password This is my php code. php un _POST 'username'..
Upload image with facebook API It just doesn't work. More specifically I keep getting an Incorrect signature message. What's wrong with the code php api facebook..
How to store NULL values in datetime fields in MySQL? value to bill_date I get this error Database query failed Incorrect datetime value '' for column 'bill_date' at row 1 I assume I..
UTF-8 Database Problem PDOStatement execute SQLSTATE HY000 General error 1366 Incorrect string value ' xE8' for column ... The character in question..
Php/ODBC encoding problem such value to mysql database table I get this mysql error Incorrect string value ' xB3 xB9ow...' for column 'name' at row 1 For..
MySql database design for a quiz assign a point value for each question and each answer. Incorrect answers often got 0 correct answers got the full amount. You..
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent [duplicate] setcookie logPassword ePassword time 100000000 else echo Incorrect username password. Please try again. mysql_close con if _COOKIE..
Removing blank lines from a textarea's output using PHP. I dont mind using a regexp or anything else. Incorrect Data Matthew Mark Luke John James Correct Data Note blank lines..
Calling ob_flush() and flush(), yet browser doesn't show any output until script finishes echo i br n ob_flush flush sleep 1 echo End ... br n It's Incorrect i'm tested it but my output show when script is done have any..
Printing a PHP error inline instead of erasing the entire page changing everything. The code I'm currently using is die Incorrect username or password. I'm very new to PHP so sorry if this is.. in #errors. For example if username_is_incorrect error 'Incorrect username or password.' And in the HTML php if isset error div..
jQuery Browser Compatability (IE) radio class radio name Week1 value New York Jets input Incorrect input type radio class radio name Week1 value New York Jets..
PHP session start “Cannot send session cookie and cache limiter” the member page. _SESSION 'username' dbusername else echo Incorrect password else die That user doens't exist else die Please enter..