php Programming Glossary: inconsistent
Java v/s PHP, how do this technology stack up for Web Application Development? than Java not that that usually matters the syntax is inconsistent and it's easy to make huge errors like not sanitizing database..
PHP json_encode encoding numbers as strings For instance Bug #40503 json_encode integer conversion is inconsistent with PHP Maybe Bug #38680 could interest you too btw share..
Why are floating point numbers printed so differently? similar to 0.09999999999999998 instead And why is it also inconsistent in Ruby version 1.8.6 codepad gives 0.1 version 1.9.3 ideone..
Controller::detect() undefined in Laravel 4 This function has been removed in Laravel 4 because of inconsistent behavior with varying filesystems. The proper way to register..
Will PHP script be executed after header redirect? has been asked before however the answers have been inconsistent. Take Why I have to call 'exit' after redirection through header..
PHP String concatenation - “$a $b” vs $a . “ ” . $b - performance a . ' and ' . b . ' went out to see ' . c PHP is very inconsistent from version to version and build to build when it comes to..
PHP syntax highlighting the different language files define completely different inconsistent styles. I've worked hours trying to refactor the different language..
PHP: do arrays have a maximum size? nApplyCount zend_bool bApplyProtection #if ZEND_DEBUG int inconsistent #endif HashTable given that typedef unsigned int uint the limit..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation end. Apologies the editing does not work sub numbering is inconsistent Closed Issues users.bb_locations_csv is a many to many relation..
How to reverse a Unicode string functionality you need to deal with unicode but it is inconsistent and does lack a lot of functions. One of these is a function..
Rationale behind SimpleXMLElement's handling of text values in addChild and addAttribute of text values in addChild and addAttribute Isn't that an inconsistent behavior PHP 5.2.6 php a new SimpleXMLElement ' a ' a addAttribute.. does not escape ampersands This behavior is somewhat inconsistent. It's reasonable that a user would expect the methods on SimpleXML..
PHP/PDO/MySQL: inserting into MEDIUMBLOB stores bad data all cases it's only the servers' default charsets that are inconsistent. php mysql pdo blob share improve this question This seems..
MySQL get a random value between two values for PHP select .PHP_EOL MySQL comes out behind by 3 4 very inconsistent results about the same results if you don't use an array index..
Is there anything like CoffeeScript for PHP? are very common but the PHP syntax libraries are inconsistent cumbersome IMO of course . I think a language that compiles..
Fb.UI Dialogs are displaying in Popups instead of an iframe some Facebook popups for my native FB app but I am having inconsistent results when it comes to how the dialog boxes pop up. For instance..
Case-inconsistency of PHP file paths on Mac / MAMP? Stuff mamp_server my_site Mixed case What is causing this inconsistent behavior and how can I protect against it Note that I can't..