php Programming Glossary: increase
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? simply impossible to optimize. It should also be able to increase the load for faster hardware without affecting the ability to..
Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP this kind of resize operation with large images tends to increase the memory usage by a very large margin larger images can spike..
User recognition without cookies or local storage and then combine its training with Bayesian Inference to increase the accuracy of your results. The NeuralMesh library for PHP.. each user IP cookies etc. Where result is an exact match increase score by 1 Where result is not an exact match decrease score..
What does it mean to start a PHP function with an ampersand? should be bound. Do not use return by reference to increase performance. The engine will automatically optimize this on..
Sorting multidimensional array in PHP a problem as by storing this value I was literally able to increase speed by more than double .00038 .00041 down to .00016 .00018..
PHP change the maximum upload file size the file exceeds the max size allowed so I need to increase the size. My research on the web suggested changing the .htaccess..
What does “zend_mm_heap corrupted” mean question after much trial and error I found that if I increase the output_buffering value in the php.ini file this error goes..
Opening/closing tags & performance? . Not 50 . You'd never notice or even measure this speed increase. Because you optimized a part that take only 0 01 of whole script..
Good tutorial on how to update your Mysql database with a PHP form? [closed] updated in your database. There are numerous ways you can increase the information provided back to the user via this script. Also..
List of Big-O for PHP functions to array_key_exists at N 1 and N 1 000 000 is ~50 time increase. Interesting Points isset array_key_exists is much faster than..
How to increase my “advanced” knowledge of PHP further? (quickly) to increase my &ldquo advanced&rdquo knowledge of PHP further quickly I..
Many hash iterations: append salt every time? . However a hash that takes that long will significantly increase the time it will take to generate a rainbow table... Yes it..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords passwords and passwords with unicode characters really increase the entropy of a password and make it harder to crack. There's.. with a variable cost mechanism. The latter lets you increase the cost to brute force a password by increasing blowfish's..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved key or less random then 128 bits of CS random you must increase this parameter. I would suggest a minimum of 10000 for passwords..
Calculating image size ratio for resizing it will resize to fixed size 1024x768 so the width will be increased from 100px to 768px and it will be very ugly. Similarly if.. Similarly if the image has height less than 768px it will increase the height by force to 768px. Therefore I would like to calculate..
Diagnosing Memory Leaks - Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted the limit If you know what you're doing and want to increase the limit see memory_limit ini_set 'memory_limit' '16M' ini_set.. an attempt to recover memory print memory_get_usage true increases over time For the purposes of this question let's assume the..
Solution for “Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!” in PHP will eventually hit the memory limits. Is there a way to increase the maximum function nesting level in PHP php recursion xdebug..
Shorten String in PHP (full words only)
MySQL/PHP Error:[2002] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted are you dealing with here The linked blog has workarounds Increase the dynamic port range through registry editing. Reduce the..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability for instance take a look at Benchmark Results Show 400 700 Increase In Server Capabilities with APC and Squid Cache . Yep they are.. also Slides APC Facebook Or Benchmark Results Show 400 700 Increase In Server Capabilities with APC and Squid Cache . It can really..
Increase PHP Memory limit (Apache, Drupal6) PHP Memory limit Apache Drupal6 I'm trying to run a Drupal..
Increase days to php current Date() days to php current Date How do I add a certain number of days..
500 Server error: Premature end of script headers: begin generating the response within this period of time. Increase this directive as necessary to handle applications which take..
Increase PHP Script Execution Time PHP Script Execution Time I want to sent hundreds of emails..
Increase max execution time for php max execution time for php I have added set_time_limit 0 function..
Solution for “Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!” in PHP xdebug php errors share improve this question Increase the value of xdebug.max_nesting_level in your php.ini http
Increase max_execution_time in PHP? max_execution_time in PHP I'm trying to upload large files..
PHP: How do you determine every Nth iteration of a loop? a div class design sample txt '. post author.' div div ' Increase the counter by one. counter Check to display all the items we..