

php Programming Glossary: include_path

require_once () or die() not working


require_once function.require Failed opening required '1' include_path '..... instead of the message oops I key in. php share improve..

What is the proper way to setup and use php-resque?


multiple ways to do that Put you jobs classes in the include_path In your .htaccess or the apache config add the directory containing.. Use php autoloader to load your job classes. Use set_include_path set_include_path 'path to job' That way your jobs are in the.. to load your job classes. Use set_include_path set_include_path 'path to job' That way your jobs are in the include_path just..

How to enable autocomplete/syntax-highlight for PHP core functions in Eclipse?


.settings org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs has a line include_path 0 projectname file ensured opened in PHP Editor Something works..

How to SFTP upload files from PHP


Failed opening required 'Math BigInteger.php' include_path '. usr share php usr share pear' in home john public_html test.. Per that phpseclib's root directory needs to be in your include_path. From that page php set_include_path get_include_path . PATH_SEPARATOR.. needs to be in your include_path. From that page php set_include_path get_include_path . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'phpseclib' include 'Net..

How to install Zend Framework on Windows


to your PHP INCLUDE_PATH . Ensure library is on include_path set_include_path implode PATH_SEPARATOR array C zf library realpath.. PHP INCLUDE_PATH . Ensure library is on include_path set_include_path implode PATH_SEPARATOR array C zf library realpath APPLICATION_PATH.. C zf library realpath APPLICATION_PATH . .. library get_include_path The code templates generated by the zf.bat script try to make..

PHP Opcode Caching/Zend Acceleration and include_once vs. require_once


that they evaluate all the different options e.g. multiple include_path's etc. and then by creating the realpath from this abreviated.. in include_ or require_once is faster than relying on the include_path. The order of the paths in your include_path matters as well... on the include_path. The order of the paths in your include_path matters as well. Hope that helps. share improve this answer..

What's better of require(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.'myParent.php') than just require('myParent.php')?


'myParent.php' requires a lookup using the given paths in include_path to get an absolute path and find the file. A better choice would..

How to include file outside document root?


my path to the include path. Something like file2.php set_include_path get_include_path . PATH_SEPARATOR . var www vhosts domain1 httpdocs.. path. Something like file2.php set_include_path get_include_path . PATH_SEPARATOR . var www vhosts domain1 httpdocs require_once.. required ' var www vhosts domain1 httpdocs file1.php' include_path '. php includes usr share pear ' in var www vhosts domain2 httpdocs..

How to implement Gmail OAuth API to send email (especially via SMTP)?


2 Note that you should definitely have Zend on the PHP include_path even if you reference it directly in PHP because it may try..

How do I format a PHP include() absolute (rather than relative) path?


PHP will search the directories in the configuration value include_path in order until a match is found or there are no more directories..

Can I use zend translate, date and cache as standalone class in my project?


you just need to have the Zend library somewhere on your include_path . Copying the whole thing may seem overkill to use one component..

PHP - Is there a portable version of PHPUnit?


phpunit.sh executable phpunit.sh x '. checkoutDir ' php d include_path . x phpunit x dbunit x php code coverage x php file iterator..

PHP Fatal Error Failed opening required File


required ' common configs config_templates.inc.php' include_path '. usr share pear usr share php' in home viapics1 public_html..

relative path in require_once doesn't work


ini_set 'display_errors' 1 error_reporting E_ALL ini_set 'include_path' ini_get 'include_path' .' Applications MAMP htdocs otsg ' require_once.. 1 error_reporting E_ALL ini_set 'include_path' ini_get 'include_path' .' Applications MAMP htdocs otsg ' require_once 'config.inc.php'.. Failed opening required '.. class database.php' include_path '. Applications MAMP bin php5.3 lib php Applications MAMP htdocs..

Install PECL on Mac OS X 10.6


pear nozlib.phar Edit etc php.ini and find the line include_path . php includes and change it to include_path . usr lib php pear.. find the line include_path . php includes and change it to include_path . usr lib php pear sudo pear channel update pear.php.net sudo..

phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception


getenv 'APPLICATION_ENV' 'testing' Ensure library is on include_path set_include_path implode PATH_SEPARATOR array realpath APPLICATION_PATH.. 'testing' Ensure library is on include_path set_include_path implode PATH_SEPARATOR array realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' .... array realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. library' get_include_path require_once 'Zend Loader Autoloader.php' require_once 'controllers..

Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name (“relation does not exist”)


each schema in order. Just like PATH in the shell or include_path in PHP etc. You can check your current schema search path SHOW..

How to install Zend Framework on Windows


script may add the location of library code to PHP's INCLUDE_PATH . This is useful if you need to make the Zend Framework library.. C zf you should add its library subdirectory to your PHP INCLUDE_PATH . Ensure library is on include_path set_include_path implode..

How to Use Same Models in Different Modules in Zend Framework?


directory outside of the modules hierarchy. Then set my INCLUDE_PATH to use the models directory of the respective module plus the.. In my bootstrap script I'd add application library to the INCLUDE_PATH . Then in each controller's init function I'd add that module's.. function I'd add that module's models directory to the INCLUDE_PATH . edit Functions like setControllerDirectory and setModuleDirectory..