

php Programming Glossary: incl

close a connection early


improve this question The following PHP manual page incl. user notes suggests multiple instructions on how to close the..

Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP


one dimensional arrays Incl. Multi dimensional arrays incl. arrays of objects Incl. Sorting one array based on another..

PHP global in functions


SOME_CONSTANT do not use that unless self c GLOBALS 'foo' incl. any other superglobal _GET d Foo bar any static call incl... incl. any other superglobal _GET d Foo bar any static call incl. Singletons and Registries All of these will make your code..

phpMailer attachment


file the data of the upload. Roughly put into your code incl. a validation you should do as well to verify it's actually..

json_encode() non utf-8 strings?


see the list of predifined constants PHP version dependent incl. PHP 5.4 some constants remain undocumented and are available..

Unable to parse xml data with colon (:) from response using getNamespaces()


A short one line displaying all sort of PHP error messages incl. warnings notices and strict error_reporting 1 ini_set 'display_errors'..

php paypal express checkout problem


If you want to start sending line item details to PayPal include the following in your SetExpressCheckout API request Total.. API request Total amount of the purchase incl shipping tax etc PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT 300.0 Total amount of.. see this in your own history as well you'll also need to include this in DoExpressCheckoutPayment . share improve this answer..

Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string


node The full code example is available on viper codepad incl. the TextRange class. The codepad has a bug so it's result is..

Android image file sent to php upload image file is application/octet-stream type and not image/jpeg?


about file uploads which contains some useful information incl. dealing with error cases. Next to that your code might just..