php Programming Glossary: incremental
How are people handling content management system production staging? production data back to the developers so they can add incremental features. This can't be the way to go what if the client doesn't..
PHP Sort Array By SubArray Value 17 15 44 12 What's the best way for order the array in an incremental way based on the optionNumber So the results look like Array..
Ideas for a PHP Summer Project [closed] A really good universal web site backup system FTP mySQL incremental for non technical users but that is more than a summer project..
PHP-friendly NoSQL solutions [closed] HTTP JSON API. Among other features it provides robust incremental replication with bi directional conflict detection and resolution..
Maximum number of cookies allowed each browser. Test the maximum size and number with little incremental steps and check if they still are readable . Also I seem to..
how can i delete test order from magento go to admin sales orders write down your test orders incremental ids for example 100000001 100000002 100000003 100000111 100000112..
Web site backup in PHP? notification when backup has succeeded or failed Does incremental backups Does MySQL Database backups I need this to be PHP based..
is there a reason why Magento shouldn't support uninstall/downgrade for modules imported shouldn't be managed this way but for these small incremental changes I want to push to staging production test and if it..
Generate random 5 characters string And for one based on the clock fewer collisions since it's incremental function incrementalHash len 5 charset 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.. the clock fewer collisions since it's incremental function incrementalHash len 5 charset 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.. charset i . result now base return substr result 5 Note incremental means easier to guess If you're using this as a salt or a verification..
Developing PHP with Eclipse on a remote server (FTP) on Windows to perform a complex sync operation after every little incremental change. I have no idea what RSE really is nor how it works and..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP that have more bearing. A few rules of thumb Generating incremental ids should happen in the DB. Personally i like my default applied..
Unique, unpredictable, 12 digit, integer id and guaranteed to have no collision 1 . The result is incremental partly random and non predictable provided that the random number..
JQuery UI Saving Sortable List be ordered count count batchid use the count to create an incremental loop for each item to be updated. i 0 while i count query UPDATE..
Easy way to export a SQL table without access to the server or phpMyADMIN file backups mytable.sql . This is also a nice way to do incremental backups given the filename a timestamp for example. To get it..
Migrating databases using phpMyAdmin's tracking mechanism I'm not recreating the database every time only adding incremental changes . I just want to upgrade the structure and the only.. workflow that logs all structure updates and can create incremental SQL reports for the whole database from a version or point in..