php Programming Glossary: index
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? Convert infix to postfix notation function nfx expr index 0 stack new EvalMathStack output array postfix form of expression.. ' matches 0 ' while 1 1 Infinite Loop op substr expr index 1 get the first character at the current index find out if we're.. substr expr index 1 get the first character at the current index find out if we're currently at the beginning of a number variable..
Use global variables in a class to a member function query on a non object . This is the index file db new DB_MySQL localhost root test connect to the database..
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? 1 if empty array return false # Select a random post index number from the current array r rand 0 count array 1 return..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? without IGNORE a row that duplicates an existing UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY value in the table causes a duplicate key error..
How to remove “index.php” in codeigniter's path to remove &ldquo index.php&rdquo in codeigniter's path How do I remove the index.php.. index.php&rdquo in codeigniter's path How do I remove the index.php sticking out in every path in codeigniter somewhere in the.. in codeigniter somewhere in the center I want clean non index.php fied URLs php mod rewrite codeigniter url rewriting share..
PHP error: Cannot modify header information ??headers already sent [duplicate] if _SESSION 'uid' 'programmer' header 'Location index.php' echo 'you cannot be here' exit The index that it is redirecting.. 'Location index.php' echo 'you cannot be here' exit The index that it is redirecting to also has the header. So is having..
Delete an element from an array
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” Undefined variable&rdquo and &ldquo Notice Undefined index&rdquo I am running a PHP script and keep getting errors like.. like Undefined variable user_location in C wamp www mypath index.php on line 12 Line 12 looks like this greeting Hello . user_name... œreference questions make sense php php errors undefined index share improve this question From the vast wisdom of the..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one slow 0.1 .2 seconds to much for my app I'm already using indexes . I don't know how to improve this using MySQL. Is there a.. build a cassandra cluster I was asked to post what are the indexes here they are mysql show index in thread PRIMARY id forumid.. to post what are the indexes here they are mysql show index in thread PRIMARY id forumid dateline replycount Select explain..
How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP [duplicate] 0 of course replace 0 with whatever is the date field's index array_multisort dates SORT_DESC mdarray share improve this..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? object context Notice Undefined variable Notice Undefined Index Notice Uninitialized string offset X Notice Use of undefined..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another transition slide In case result is true change page to Index this .find ' data role header h3' .append 'Wellcome ' userObject.username.. transition slide In case result is true change page to Index else alert 'Login unsuccessful please try again ' In case..
sending mail with php & escaping hotmails junk folder mail headers X Mailer Microsoft Office Outlook 11 Thread Index Ack6CWSQlgV8s6 6SWyifka2NNpB7g X MimeOLE Produced By Microsoft..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index”
Bulletin board - Database optimisation two elements in the identified sequence ala non PK Unique Index or Alternate Key are universally required to establish Uniqueness.. OfficeCode OfficeZipCode might be silly. We need an Unique Index on Name to ensure they do not add two Offices with the same..
PHP Undefined Index [duplicate] Undefined Index duplicate This question already has an answer here PHP &ldquo..
How to add a custom text field in Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General tab in admin panel? will provide a notice that you need to re index one two Indexes from the Index Management section with the link of this section.. notice that you need to re index one two Indexes from the Index Management section with the link of this section provided. Click.. of this section provided. Click on that link to go to the Index Management section re index those indexes which are marked in..
How to Remove Array Element and Then Re-Index Array? to Remove Array Element and Then Re Index Array I have some troubles with an array. I have one array..
Need guidance to start with Zend ACL write such a script How do I then call is this done in the Index . I would very much appreciate if you guide me to a website..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? touch app code local MyCompanyName HelloWorld controllers IndexController.php Now try loading the page. Progress Instead of.. provided in your router. class MyCompanyName_HelloWorld_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action public function.. if you had a fooAction method in MyCompanyName_HelloWorld_IndexController http magento index.php helloworld foo..
Optimizing mysql fulltext search the many articles via google some wrote that only limit Index field word length can help the search more quickly. but as a..
CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error file can be index.php home.php default.php etc. DirectoryIndex index.php # Rewrite engine RewriteEngine On # condition with.. 'index_page' value empty. which looks like this Index File Typically this will be your index.php file unless..
XSS - Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events? icon longdesc manifest poster profile src usemap The HTML5 Index contains a summary of attribute types. It doesn't mention some..
How can I create custom SEO-friendly URLs in OpenCart? to an existing database table. The patch to seo_url.php Index catalog controller common seo_url.php catalog controller..
Sorting with a modulus each index to distribute the calculation over the indexes Index 0 No column 0 Index 1 1x in column is which has 4 rows 4 Index.. the calculation over the indexes Index 0 No column 0 Index 1 1x in column is which has 4 rows 4 Index 2 1x in column 1.. 0 No column 0 Index 1 1x in column is which has 4 rows 4 Index 2 1x in column 1 4 rows and 1x in other columns 3 rows 4 3 .....
How to generate unique id in MySQL? this question A programmatic way can be to add a UNIQUE INDEX to the field generate a random string in PHP loop in PHP while..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP INT 11 UNSIGNED NOT NULL attempted DATETIME NOT NULL INDEX `attempted_idx` `attempted` engine InnoDB charset UTF8 A quick..
Best way to avoid duplicate entry into mysql database a unique key on the table ALTER TABLE thetable ADD UNIQUE INDEX pageid name Then you have to decide what you want to do when..
php & mySQL: Query does not use index in table join SELECT sale_amount price FROM books book_sales FORCE INDEX book_id WHERE book_sales.book_id books.book_id AND books.author_id.. query SELECT sale_amount price FROM books book_sales FORCE INDEX book_id WHERE book_sales.book_id books.book_id AND books.author_id.. price FROM books STRAIGHT_JOIN book_sales FORCE INDEX book_id ON book_sales.book_id books.book_id WHERE books.author_id..
SQL Server Query Slow from PHP, but FAST from SQL Mgt Studio - WHY? in time difference occurs. I have also tried adding a WITH INDEX .. clause on the table where that has the date index but no.. BatchNmbr h.MODIFDT ModifDt FROM SOP30200 h WITH INDEX AK2SOP30200 WHERE h.SOPTYPE 2 AND h.DOCDATE DATEADD dd 61 GETDATE..
MySQL/PHP Search Efficiency ENGINE MyISAM Create a fulltext index. CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX searchindex ON Entries title tags entry Search it search mysql_real_escape_string..
Detect Browser Language in PHP Browser Language in PHP I have this script as INDEX for my website. Script should be include on itself a specific..
ON DELETE CASCADE not working in MySQL `tab_title` VARCHAR 15 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `_id` UNIQUE INDEX `app_id_UNIQUE` `app_id` ASC INDEX `app_tab_key` `app_id` ASC.. KEY `_id` UNIQUE INDEX `app_id_UNIQUE` `app_id` ASC INDEX `app_tab_key` `app_id` ASC CONSTRAINT `app_tab_key` FOREIGN..
Prevent Duplicate SQL entries duplicates share improve this question CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxname ON tablename fieldname Adding this index will ensure..
Optimizing mysql fulltext search content against search you would need CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX index_name ON tbl_name title content I'm not sure it'll accept..
select within 20 kilometers based on latitude/longitude TABLE mytable MODIFY position NOT NULL CREATE SPATIAL INDEX sx_mytable_position ON mytable position SELECT FROM mytable..
MySQL: Determine Table's Primary Key Dynamically sql mysql primary key share improve this question SHOW INDEX FROM tablename You want the row where Key_name PRIMARY http..
MySQL - selecting near a spatial point the spatial key via ALTER TABLE lastcrawl ADD SPATIAL INDEX point query sprintf SELECT FROM lastcrawl WHERE MBRContains..
Libpuzzle Indexing millions of pictures? pictures. Also i found this description about indexing INDEXING How to quickly find similar pictures if they are millions.. NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY image_id REFERENCES images image_id INDEX image_id sig_word Now you insert into that table prepending..