php Programming Glossary: indentation
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? a few basic precautions you can always take Proper code indentation or adopting any lofty coding style. Readability prevents irregularities...
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] in the PHP file not hidden within a string. Proper use of indentation is essential both in the HTML tag hierarchy and in the PHP code...
How do I extend the Zend Navigation Menu View Helper? change the class of the li elements and remove the EOL and indentation. There are no options to do that with the menu view script which..
Print newline in PHP in single quotes [closed] literally by pressing return but that screws up the indentation of my code. Is there some ASCII character or something that..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] Javascript Sort attributes change character case correct indentation etc. Extensible Parsing documents using callbacks based on current..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? Javascript Sort attributes change character case correct indentation etc. Extensible Parsing documents using callbacks based on current..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] Javascript Sort attributes change character case correct indentation etc. Extensible Parsing documents using callbacks based on current..
Correct indentation of HTML and PHP using Vim indentation of HTML and PHP using Vim I've been using Vim for a while and.. been using Vim for a while and I can't get proper HTML indentation working in PHP files. For example what I want is for each child.. Even with indented HTML which I then add PHP code to the indentation is ignored moving new lines of HTML code without any indentation..
PHP “pretty print” HTML (not Tidy) want the output to be formatted nicely with new lines and indentation so that it's readable however from the many tests I've done..
PHP XML how to output nice format a b sd b c df c error root I'm not aware how to change the indentation character s with DOMDocument . You could post process the XML.. pretty print XML data as well. It's possible to specify indentation levels with it however tidy will never output tabs. share improve..
Converting indentation with preg_replace (no callback) indentation with preg_replace no callback I have some XML chunk returned.. it's not possible to configure DOMDocument AFAIK about the indentation character s I thought it's possible to run a regular expression.. it's possible to run a regular expression and change the indentation by replacing all two space pairs into a tab. This can be done..
Indented list to multidimensional array into a multidimensional array according to the level of indentation. By way of an example here is some sample input Home Products.. Us Meet the Team Careers Contact Us' function helper list indentation ' ' result array path array foreach explode n list as line get.. get depth and label depth 0 while substr line 0 strlen indentation indentation depth 1 line substr line strlen indentation truncate..