php Programming Glossary: increases
PHP output buffering - sounds like a bad idea, is it? is even a comment on suggesting that buffering increases performance as compared to multiple output functions not that..
How to hash long passwords (>72 characters) with blowfish again. For this class of passwords pre hashing definitely increases security significantly. Back To The Real World These kinds of..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP Login Attempts. Best practice #1 A short time delay that increases with the number of failed attempts like 1 failed attempt no.. on the other hand potentially devastating since the delay increases exponentially. I am curious how I could implement something..
Using PHP/Apache to restrict access to static files (html, css, img, etc) server as the number of users and files they are accessing increases. I think my second solution would be much less expensive but..
PHP DateTime::modify adding and subtracting months is correct. The following happens internally 1 month increases the month number originally 1 by one. This makes the date 2010.. processes this first day of next month stanza next month increases the month number originally 1 by one. This makes the date 2010..
Is time() a good salt a hash is good for a number of reasons Salting greatly increases the difficulty cost of precomputated attacks including rainbow.. uses the same password across different systems. Salting increases the complexity of passwords thereby greatly decreasing the effectiveness.. is stored separate from the hash . Proper salting greatly increases the storage need for precomputation attacks up to the point..
Is making asynchronous HTTP requests possible with PHP? [closed] one file until the previous one is finished this increases the script run time significantly. Would it be possible to start..
Switching between HTTP and HTTPS pages with secure session-cookie cookie is that when the user enters his password increases his access privileges we create a second cookie additionally..
How can we create a fairly secure password hash in PHP? unsecure fast hash primitives use key strengthening . This increases the time required for the attacker to compute a rainbow table...
is there a way to reverse a hash without rainbow tables? [duplicate] imagine. The reason is that the number of possible values increases exponentially at each stage of the hash cycle. For MD5 each..
Moving from mysql to mysqli or pdo? [closed] pdo as primarily a learning tool but also for performance increases if possible. I have read through http manual en mysqli.overview.php..
Finding towns within a 10 mile radius of postcode. Google maps API longitude boundaries longitude gets smaller when latitude increases maxLng float lng rad2deg distance radius cos deg2rad float lat..
DOMDocument PHP Memory Leak Leak Running PHP 5.3.6 under MAMP on MAC the memory usage increases every x calls between 3 and 8 until the script dies from memory..
Diagnosing Memory Leaks - Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted an attempt to recover memory print memory_get_usage true increases over time For the purposes of this question let's assume the..
Converting indentation with preg_replace (no callback) 8 spaces in my test but then gets slower as the depth increases. The following code was used php base_iter 1000 xml_string str_repeat..
php/MySQL insert row then get 'id' insert row then get 'id' the 'id' field of my table auto increases when I insert a row I want to insert a row and then get that..