php Programming Glossary: indicators
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? bots that will do both so those are no longer human indicators. What bots will still uniquely do however is follow an invisible..
To know whether a web page is built using PHP, JSP, ASP.NET, or other technologies .php .jsp etc. But some web address do not contains any indicators. Is there any systematic way we can use to know the technologies..
Uploading a file larger than 2GB using PHP
uploading a file via ajax with php is that it comes with a nicer interface such as loading indicators and thumbnails and such. At this point though you're asking..
Process very big csv file without timeout and memory error 120.4MB are the World Bank collection of development indicators http data catalog world development indicators.. http data catalog world development indicators if handle fopen 'WDI_GDF_Data.csv' 'r' false get the first row..
Disabling Strict Standards in PHP 5.4 able to use the software. The notices and strict stuff are indicators of problems or potential problems though and you may find some..