php Programming Glossary: inet_pton
PHP5 calculate IPv6 range from cidr prefix? prefix Parse the address into a binary string firstaddrbin inet_pton firstaddrstr Convert the binary string to a string with hexadecimal..
How to convert IPv6 from binary for storage in MySQL do I convert in PHP from the binary format as returned by inet_pton to a decimal string format usable by MySQL and how do I convert.. We went for a VARBINARY 16 column instead and use inet_pton and inet_ntop to do the conversions https skion..
Which MySQL datatype for an IP address? [duplicate] could use a BINARY instead `ipv6` BINARY 16 And use PHP ™s inet_pton and inet_ntop for conversion 'INSERT INTO `table` `ipv6` VALUES.. INTO `table` `ipv6` VALUES '.mysqli_real_escape_string inet_pton '2001 4860 a005 68' .' ' 'SELECT `ipv6` FROM `table`' ipv6 inet_pton..
IP address storing in mysql database