php Programming Glossary: indices
Passing a PHP array in a SOAP call The problem with that is that the arrays now have indices which the web service I'm calling appears to not like. Any way..
How to keep history of record updates in MySQL? about the company for generating reports and to extract indices. I plan to use codeigniter for it's simplicity and I'm looking..
How do I sort a multi-dimensional array by value? Use uasort This function sorts an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements they are..
On every third iteration in PHP an array and not an associative array i.e. it has numeric indices this is what you want php foreach imgArray as idx row php if..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation problems your SQL will be straight forward and fast less indices no temp tables required . For a while I thought aha you have.. up an area that I did not like in that we had non unique indices. That resolves my issue as well. As per intention stated further..
Find position first occurence of an array of strings in a string
Microsoft´s sqlsrv driver for PHP not returning any result when querying “SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS id” share improve this question In the initial CTP the field indices started at 1. Later they were changed to start at 0. Try something..
Why does this return Resource id #2? [duplicate] the next row. It returns an array with the column names as indices. In your case it's probably COUNT . Here's a fix and some minor..
PHP: 'rotate' an array? answers are correct but only if you don't care about your indices arr array 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'qux' 'wibble' 'wobble' array_push.. Output Array baz qux wibble wobble 0 bar To preserve your indices you can do something like arr array 'foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'qux'..
Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays keys. The current algorithm I am using gives numerical indices only result array foreach map as a if empty result result a..
Sorting PHP array using subkey-values cmp_function This function sorts an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements they are..
How do I create variables from XML data in PHP? This function also takes an options parameter as array of indices to be excluded in the return array. And keep in mind this returns..
What is the optimal MYSQL query number in php script? take to run have you profiled the common ones to check indices how many are unnecessarily complex Numerous times I've seen..
Difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_row? you'll get an array with both associative and number indices. Using MYSQL_ASSOC you only get associative indices as mysql_fetch_assoc.. number indices. Using MYSQL_ASSOC you only get associative indices as mysql_fetch_assoc works by using MYSQL_NUM you only get number.. works by using MYSQL_NUM you only get number indices as mysql_fetch_row works . mysql_fetch_row resource result Returns..
PHP SQL, query returns only one row of data name you either need to access the result with numeric indices by using mysql_fetch_row or add alias names. See the example..
MySQL date or PHP time? query on a timestamp field won't be able to use indices SELECT FROM tbl WHERE year from_unixtime mytimestamp_field 2009..