php Programming Glossary: corresponding
Comma separated values in MySQL “IN” clause
Highlight row when the checkbox is true should define background color of highlighted rows. The corresponding demo you can find here Because in your demo you need just highlight..
What do I need to store in the php session when user logged in? found it takes the value of PHPSESSID and then loads the corresponding session. That value is called a session_id . That is the only..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server 'application upload' ajax.send imgData canvasData and corresponding php testSave.php php if isset GLOBALS HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA imageData..
Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value improve this question Almost all Magento Models have a corresponding Collection object that can be used to fetch multiple instances..
How to [recursively] Zip a directory in PHP? zip this bit works ok but when I try to unzip the corresponding downloaded zip file I get operation not permitted This error..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? page doctype html use ENT_HTML5 . XHTML or XML Use the corresponding ENT_XHTML or ENT_XML1 . With no doctype or plain ol' HTML4 use..
Time calculation in php (add 10 hours)? that represents a time in seconds. To increment it add the corresponding number of seconds you want to add. 10 hours 60 60 10 36000 so.....
Crop image in PHP the size of the smaller side of the image is equal to the corresponding side of the thumb. For example if your source image is 1280x800px..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? foobar . Additionally you can link each pattern with corresponding default values for each match. When you put this all together..
Sorting an array of SimpleXML objects it works first you create a proxy array of key value pairs corresponding to each SimpleXMLElement and the value with which they'll be..
using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function side the action POST parameter should be read and the corresponding value should point to the method to invoke e.g. if isset _POST..
Array as session variable values of posted checkboxes are kept in a database for corresponding names . Now if I return to the first page and click another..
Why are functions and methods in PHP case-insensitive? out of HTML files and replace them with the output of the corresponding functions in the C library. The simple parser slowly grew to..
Should I use EAV model? have to migrate all the records for that attribute to the corresponding table that matches the new datatype. Of course purists would..
Browser displays ï¿?instead of ´ header and user agents should use them in case the corresponding http headers are not set. EDIT1 Like Hannes already suggested..
Can PHP read text from a PowerPoint file? to index PowerPoint 2007 files. Just take a look at the corresponding class file i think it's something like Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Pptx..
How to get mssql work with PHP 5.3? DLL file to your PHP extension directory and the corresponding entry to the php.ini file. The SQLSRV download comes with several..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error if the subject string is too long a stack overflow and corresponding segmentation fault will occur. This behavior is described in..
How to get user timezone using jquery? and will be able to return the offset from UST the corresponding Olson Database timezone name and handle the daylight savings..