php Programming Glossary: convert.tobase64string
C# Encryption to PHP Decryption symmetricKey.Mode CipherMode.CBC string key Convert.ToBase64String symmetricKey.Key string IV Convert.ToBase64String symmetricKey.IV.. key Convert.ToBase64String symmetricKey.Key string IV Convert.ToBase64String symmetricKey.IV I then save the key and IV to a database to.. var encrypted msEncrypt.ToArray return Convert.ToBase64String encrypted public static string Decrypt string prm_text_to_decrypt..
tripledes encryption not yielding same results in PHP and C# toEncryptArray 0 toEncryptArray.Length return Convert.ToBase64String resultArray 0 resultArray.Length public static string Decrypt..
C# to PHP base64 encode/decode System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes the string String enc Convert.ToBase64String encbuff and php side data _REQUEST 'in' raw base64_decode data.. System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes the string string enc Convert.ToBase64String encbuff string urlenc Server.UrlEncode enc and php side data..
Rijndael 256 Encrypt/decrypt between c# and php? sw.Close cs.Close byte encoded ms.ToArray encrypted Convert.ToBase64String encoded ms.Close catch CryptographicException e Console.WriteLine..
Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP data into a base64 encoded string. string cipherText Convert.ToBase64String cipherTextBytes Return encrypted string. return cipherText I..
DES Encryption in PHP and C# buffer 0 buffer.Length stream2.FlushFinalBlock str2 Convert.ToBase64String stream.ToArray catch Exception str2 finally provider null..
php md5 algorithm that gives same result as c# byte hash alg.ComputeHash enc.GetBytes input string output Convert.ToBase64String hash outputs eBVpbsvxyW5olLd5RW0zDg Console.WriteLine output..