php Programming Glossary: counted
Strange behavior of PHP time math: Why is strtotime() returning negative numbers? sounds odd but would work for my purposes. What I hadn't counted on was that strtotime takes time zones into account when converting..
How do I get only a determined number of words from a string in php? room for error such as things that are not words getting counted as words. PS. If you need a Unicode safe version of the above..
What technology (asp, php, joomla, rails, grails…) for a website from scratch? MVC framework plus a higher cost were downside that have counted in my choice Java it would have required a lot of configuration..
Count number of values in array with a given value
Magento module to change dashboard graph line So now if you comment this line the order Will be counted in the ORDERS chart graph but the totals is still not calculated..
UTF-8 characters in preg_match_all (PHP) be 4. I've read about this problem online the ë gets counted as 2 . Is there a solution for this I've seen mb_substr and..
Why does crypt/blowfish generate the same hash with two different salts? this question the first 7 characters of the salt are not counted so a salt ' 2a 07 a ' would be said to have a length of 1 as..
PHP: find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount instead of 59.96 and thus the match will not be counted. So if I run oezis code with integers it finds 540 possibilities..
Regular expression preg_quote symbols are not detected # ok to have repeats in each position since they'll be counted only once # per unique strings @fuck N LATIN CAPITAL LETTER..
PHP - include() file not working when variables are put in url? through the OS's own file system. So GET variables are not counted. as they are not part of the file name . In layman's terms the..