php Programming Glossary: core.php
How do I completely disable caching in Cakephp? but not the folders turned 'Cache.disable' on in the core.php file in my app have tried clearing the cache from within some..
Auth timeout problems with CakePHP bugging me. Has been for years. No matter what I do with core.php or php.ini my logins timeout after about an hour usually. Some.. the option to configure the way sessions are handled. In core.php I changed this to 'cake' by default it is 'php' The preferred..
How to pass jquery variable to drupal (ajax) @see http api drupal developer hooks core.php function hook_menu 6 function example_module_menu items array..
CakePHP Media Plugin Issue - undefined method MIME_Type::config() media and added require APP . 'plugins media config core.php' to my app's core.php but when I run cake media init I get this.. require APP . 'plugins media config core.php' to my app's core.php but when I run cake media init I get this error Fatal Error.. config in C xampp htdocs wompwomp app plugins media config core.php on line 166 Any idea what's happening here Can I just make the..
How to cache static content (css, images,js files) in CakePHP? through Configure write 'Asset.timestamp' true In core.php and the assetTimestamp method of the Helper class. Now the question.. Of course can be used to JS content as well. 1 In your core.php file under app config uncomment this line Configure write 'Asset.filter.css'..
CakePHP 2.0 - How to make custom error pages? 2.0 share improve this question Try this app Config core.php Exception render need to set as an AppExceptionRender . Example..