php Programming Glossary: countable
PHP file cannot enter some part of code Set Array Based class MySqlResult implements Iterator Countable private result private index 0 private current public function..
Interface or an Abstract Class: which one to use? path. Other times it would be bad. Imagine if PHPs Countable and Iterator interfaces were abstract classes instead of interfaces...
Zend PHP framework methods but also implements both SeekableIterator and Countable. This allows you use the rowset object directly in common PHP.. rowset object directly in common PHP functions like count Countable and forach loops SeekableIterator . Here is a modified example..
Why does count(DOMNode->childNodes) return an incorrect number of children? (PHP and XML) [closed] var. If var is not an array or an object with implemented Countable interface 1 will be returned. DOMNode childNodes is a DOMNodeList.. DOMNode childNodes is a DOMNodeList object. It is not Countable . It will always return one even if empty . Use its length property..
Overload the behavior of count() when called on certain objects [duplicate] this question It sounds like you want to implement the Countable interface class a implements Countable public function __construct.. to implement the Countable interface class a implements Countable public function __construct this list array 1 2 public function..