

php Programming Glossary: conversationid

PHP SoapClient and a complex header


eb PartyId 010 eb To 011 eb CPAId IPCC eb CPAId 012 eb ConversationId ABC123@clientURL.com eb ConversationId 013 eb Service eb type.. eb CPAId 012 eb ConversationId ABC123@clientURL.com eb ConversationId 013 eb Service eb type XML Session eb Service 014 eb Action.. array 'PartyId' 'example.com' public CPAId 'XXXX' public ConversationId '12345@example.com' public Service 'Session' public Action 'SessionCreateRQ'..

parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces


mysite.com eb PartyId eb To eb CPAId something eb CPAId eb ConversationId moredata.com eb ConversationId eb Service eb type compXML theservice.. CPAId something eb CPAId eb ConversationId moredata.com eb ConversationId eb Service eb type compXML theservice eb Service eb Action theaction.. www.opentravel.org OTA 2002 11 version 1 status Approved ConversationId the goodbye token ConversationId SessionCreateRS soap env Body..