

php Programming Glossary: converter

How to display Currency in Indian Numbering Format in PHP


How to use money_format in indian currency format php converter currency numberformat money format share improve this question..

When to use static vs instantiated classes


tool that works on other stuff like for instance a syntax converter for BB code to HTML it doesn't have a life on its own Yeah I..

WMD markdown editor - HTML to Markdown conversion


based solution. Update I found an html to markdown converter called markdownify . I guess this might be the best solution..

convert to 3-digit hex color code


I don't fully understand the pattern to be able to write a converter in PHP. Is there documentation for this Edit Oh perhaps my question..

PHP convert XML to JSON group when there is one child


in advance best regards Fabrice php xml json simplexml converter share improve this question The article you've linked is.. Wow. That was dead simple. Let's check that it works converter new XML2Json bufferXml echo json_encode converter JSON_PRETTY_PRINT.. it works converter new XML2Json bufferXml echo json_encode converter JSON_PRETTY_PRINT n And the result is already similiar to the..

Convert XML to CSV with PHP


Package Packages Item Any ideas what I did wrong php xml converter share improve this question Try this filexml 'test.xml'..

Can I use Facebook's hiphop with frameworks like Zend Framework, cakephp, symfony


symfony Yesterday Facebook launched HipHop a sourcecode converter from php to c . The set of php functions and constructions is..

Regular Expression Sanitize (PHP)


characters and spaces and dashed. Spaces should be converter into dashes. Eg. This is the URL must return this is the url..

Convert HTML + CSS to PDF with PHP?


at PrinceXML . It's definitely the best HTML CSS to PDF converter out there although it's not free But hey your programming is..

Free (preferably) PHP RTF to HTML converter? [closed]


preferably PHP RTF to HTML converter closed I am writing a converter for an old db app which contains.. PHP RTF to HTML converter closed I am writing a converter for an old db app which contains a large amount of user entered.. know of a PHP library to convert RTF to HTML php html rtf converter share improve this question Have a look here http freshmeat.net..

How to convert code from C# to PHP


me. Could you please tell me where can I find this kind of converter Ps. As I've written I use only plain C# programming in this.. equations and control statements. c# php parsing converter share improve this question I know you're hoping for someone..

php to C# converter


to C# converter I need this PHP code converted to C#. Is there a tool or a..

How to convert .wav to .mp3 file in php


how to work out this problem. php codeigniter mp3 wav converter share improve this question Use FFMPEG . There is a PHP..

Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable


your application while protecting your source code. The converter is also suitable for producing .exe files for windowed PHP applications..