php Programming Glossary: count
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables Okay the boss is back again barking requests out I want a count of each brand we carry and the number of cars in it ` Typical.. have that we can add a lovely aggregate function to get a count and get the boss off our backs for a moment. select a.brand.. get the boss off our backs for a moment. select a.brand count as countOfBrand from brands a left outer join cars b on..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 http statuses user_timeline myscreenname.json count 10 Return the transfer as a string curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER.. class to make your life easier. 1. Create a Developer Account Set yourself up a Developer account on Twitter You need to visit.. Create a Developer Account Set yourself up a Developer account on Twitter You need to visit the official Twitter developer..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP large lists. function bubbleSort array array array_size count array for i 0 i array_size i for j 0 j array_size j if array.. is limited. function selectionSort array array length count array for i 0 i length i min i for j i 1 j length j if array.. several advantages function insertionSort array array count count array for i 1 i count i j i 1 second element of the array..
php execute a background process isRunning pid try result shell_exec sprintf ps d pid if count preg_split n result 2 return true catch Exception e return..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? salt private randomState private function getRandomBytes count bytes '' if function_exists 'openssl_random_pseudo_bytes' strtoupper.. OpenSSL slow on Win bytes openssl_random_pseudo_bytes count if bytes '' is_readable ' dev urandom' hRand @fopen ' dev urandom'.. hRand @fopen ' dev urandom' 'rb' FALSE bytes fread hRand count fclose hRand if strlen bytes count bytes '' if this randomState..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result this theQuery Function getNumRows Purpose Return row count MySQL version function getNumRows result return mysql_num_rows..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code file_put_contents file2 data2 result1 mysql_query SELECT COUNT FROM Log or die 'Error ' . mysql_error query SELECT `Type` FROM.. while row1 mysql_fetch_array result1 count row1 'COUNT ' file3 C wamp www file3.txt data3 ClientID . ClientID. TechID.. LIMIT 1 TechID file_put 5 query result1 DB query SELECT COUNT FROM Log result2 DB query query foreach result1 as row1 list..
Is there any way to check the performance of mysql Indexing uses index or not EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT col1 col2 col3 COUNT 1 FROM table_name WHERE col1 val GROUP BY col1 ORDER BY col2..
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> in this case for order and depth SELECT node.title COUNT parent.title 1 AS depth FROM t_categories AS node CROSS JOIN.. code Grab ordered data query '' query . 'SELECT node.title COUNT parent.title 1 AS depth' query . ' FROM t_categories AS node'..
warning problem: expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result [duplicate] dbc mysqli_connect localhost root sitename sql1 SELECT COUNT FROM articles_grades WHERE users_articles_id ' page' result.. sql1 total_ratings mysqli_fetch_array result sql2 SELECT COUNT FROM grades JOIN grades ON articles_grades.grade_id..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP logins for a given period of time say 15 minutes SELECT COUNT 1 AS failed FROM failed_logins WHERE attempted DATE_SUB NOW.. 'attempted' get the number of failed attempts sql 'SELECT COUNT 1 AS failed FROM failed_logins WHERE attempted DATE_SUB NOW..
PHP & MySQL Pagination int _GET 'page' 1 startAt perPage page 1 query SELECT COUNT as total FROM redirect WHERE user_id ' . _SESSION 'user_id'..
PHP PDO - Num Rows SELECT statement. Instead use PDO query to issue a SELECT COUNT statement with the same predicates as your intended SELECT statement..
PHP/MySQL Pagination int _GET 'page' 1 startAt perPage page 1 query SELECT COUNT as total FROM redirect WHERE user_id ' . _SESSION 'user_id'..
simple php pagination how many items are in the table total dbh query ' SELECT COUNT FROM table ' fetchColumn How many items to list per page limit..
Why does this return Resource id #2? [duplicate] code but it returns Resource id #2 rt mysql_query SELECT COUNT FROM persons echo mysql_error echo h1 Number h1 . rt php sql.. the column names as indices. In your case it's probably COUNT . Here's a fix and some minor improvements of your snippet rt.. minor improvements of your snippet rt mysql_query SELECT COUNT FROM persons or die mysql_error row mysql_fetch_row rt if row..
How to prevent SQL injection with dynamic tablenames? layer php Make a MySQL connection query SELECT Category COUNT BUSNAME FROM . _GET 'layer' . GROUP BY Category result mysql_query.. _GET 'layer' query SELECT Category COUNT BUSNAME FROM ` . layer. ` GROUP BY Category considering that..
Row count with PDO SELECT statement. Instead use PDO query to issue a SELECT COUNT statement with the same predicates as your intended SELECT statement..
Count the number of pages in a PDF in only PHP [closed] the number of pages in a PDF in only PHP closed I need a way..
Count specific values in multidimensional array specific values in multidimensional array I'm trying to count..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code ClientID . ClientID. TechID . TechID. SiteID . SiteID. Count . count file_put_contents file3 data3 while row2 mysql_fetch_array.. ClientID . ClientID. TechID . TechID. SiteID . SiteID. Count . count file_put_contents file4 data3 if row2 'Type' Checkin.. row1 data ClientID ClientID TechID TechID SiteID SiteID Count count file_put 3 data foreach result2 as row2 file_put 4 data..
How to sort the results of this code? newarray wordmatch matchingwords count result Count the number of matching words from user entered data and the..
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL where ip ' ip ' fetchColumn if count 0 banned true else Count entries in our db for this ip query select count from sessions_per_ip.. e echo e getMessage You can try it here . Visit Counter If your user uses the same cookie to crawl your pages you.. seconds in this array Add a new entry for the actual visit Count entries in this array Ban your user if he visited Y pages Sample..
Count number of values in array with a given value number of values in array with a given value Say I have an..
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation array ' mod' array 23 0 Checks release.version 23 0 D. Count elements with size print_r s find array release.arch array ..
“vertical” regex matching in an ASCII “image” is it possible to Determine if such a formation exists Count the number of such formations match the starting point of them..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? for string . concatenation. Unbalanced parenthesis . Count them in the reported line. Are there an equal number of them..
Count how often the word occurs in the text in PHP how often the word occurs in the text in PHP In php I need..
SQL & PHP - Which is faster mysql_num_rows() or 'select count()'? Furthermore for some engines like MyISAM MySQL can serve a Count request from the index of the table without hitting the actual..
Count all HTML tags in page PHP all HTML tags in page PHP I spent time on regex to solve this.. br img src earth.jpg alt picture of earth from space p p Counting Elements is easy with DOM p body html HTML Counting all DOMElements.. p p Counting Elements is easy with DOM p body html HTML Counting all DOMElements with DOM dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML..
PHP count of occurrences of characters of a string within another string
Count number of rows in SELECT query with PDO number of rows in SELECT query with PDO From the PDO manual.. SELECT query with PDO From the PDO manual PDOStatement rowCount returns the number of rows affected by the last DELETE INSERT..