php Programming Glossary: conversions
How to convert IPv6 from binary for storage in MySQL column instead and use inet_pton and inet_ntop to do the conversions https skion mysql udf ipv6 The functions can be..
What is the proper way to setup and use php-resque? I am trying to use php resque to queue and execute ffmpeg conversions on my server. I understand broadly how it should work but I..
how to get numeric types from mysql using PDO an integer variable not as a string. That means fewer data conversions internally. But this is PHP 5.3 only provided your version of..
php check for a valid date, weird date conversions check for a valid date weird date conversions Is there a way to check to see if a date time is valid you..
Programmatically access currency exchange rates [closed] share improve this question You can get currency conversions in a simple format from yahoo For example to convert from GBP..
What is the best PHP lib/class to generate RSS/Atom [closed] desired specification. It also has built in date format conversions as one of it's features. Features Generates RSS 1.0 RSS 2.0..
Dealing with PHP server and MySQL server in different time zones as GoDaddy or Network Solutions how do you handle datetime conversions when your hosting server PHP and MySQL server are in different..
Where to sanitize PHP $_POST[] input? to a safer programming style IMO. Prevents unnecessary conversions. Helps fight the illusion that there is a one click method to..
Get MySQL Query Results as Their Native Data Type? an integer variable not as a string. That means fewer data conversions internally. But this is PHP 5.3 only provided your version of..
Why use bin2hex when inserting binary data from PHP into MySQL? just considering that the operation does not do any other conversions than the ones listed above it would make absolutely no sense..
Force PHP integer overflow f x1 x2 x3 x4 return x1 x2 ^ x3 x4 However even with conversions function f x1 x2 x3 x4 return intval intval intval x1 x2 ^ x3..
Replacing accented characters php that it sometimes needs to have a locale set to make these conversions work using setlocale . edit just tested it gets most of your..
PHP GTK module in php.ini you can set the codepage directive to UTF 8 to skip the conversions. The default codepage setting in PHP GTK 2 is ISO 8859 1 but..
htmlentities() vs. htmlspecialchars() This function returns a string with some of these conversions made the translations made are those most useful for everyday..
PDO + MySQL always returns strings, but what about MsSQL? different databases using PDO. It performs the necessary conversions to make SQL statements compatible with the varying syntaxes...
php mysql character set: storing html of international content share improve this question MySQL performs character set conversions on the fly to something called the connection charset . You..
Convert a big integer to a full string in PHP into account at all times though that requires additional conversions and handling in places. It's also been suggested to use GNU..
Store all data changes with every details (like Stackoverflow) [closed] all data is in their original format no implicit type conversions. good performance on search in the revisions easy rollback... database bad search performance because of implicit type conversions may slowdown overall performance of the application database..
PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode? from being mangled by transmission media with character conversions like some email systems . Note on RFC 3986 vs 1738. rawurlencode..