php Programming Glossary: copies
How can I turn on PHP errors display on just a subfolder portable especially if you have multiple working checkout copies of the same codebase and you want to distribute this change..
Any way to keep curl's cookies in memory and not on disk hitting some scenarios where I need to be running multiple copies of a script out of the same directory and they step on each..
How would you transform a pre-existing web app into a multilingual one? site then simply clone the site you have and translate the copies to the target language. Assuming the code base is stable you..
i18n with gettext but without the locale hassle? table is very cumbersome if you work with different copies of the web app. I like gettext because there is a multitude..
Convert SWF to PNG am downloading raw 1 frame SWF files and want to save PNG copies in order to reduce download time. Is such a task possible Thanks..
The advantage / disadvantage between global variables and function parameters in PHP? will pass the variables by reference and not create new copies of them in memory. If you modify them during the execution of..
Why can't you call abstract functions from abstract classes in PHP? static method you will receive a strict warning. PHP just copies all static methods from the parent super class if they do not..
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields the escaped text as encoded characters and then the jquery copies those encoded characters to the input tag properly preserved...
SimpleXML: append one tree to another Apparently tree2 addChild 'leaf' tree1 doesn't work as it copies only the first root node. Ok so then I thought I would traverse..
Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP foreach is slow and thus for while is faster PHPs foreach copies the array it iterates over to make it faster you need to use..
PHP GTK module in php.ini as the PHP executable to avoid conflict with any other copies of PHP that may be installed on your machine. The first thing..
Dynamically replace the ?œsrc??attributes of all <img> tags (redux) [duplicate] src attributes of all the img tags so that they point to copies of the identical images although with different file names on..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems desktop computers and laptops and some are still hard copies stored in hundreds of boxes and filing cabinets. Now because..
Php By Reference the returned object later on there would be two distinct copies of the object in existence when the intention was probably to..
Magento: adding duties/taxes to a quote during review data into order or invoice config global fieldsets copies data from quote address to order during the order placement.. to_order your_attribute_code sales_convert_quote_address copies data from order to invoice shipment creditmemo during their..
what is the “::” notation in php used for? of the returned object wasn't being used. In php 5 object copies are not created unless clone is called. And so is not needed...
Pre-incrementation vs. post-incrementation rather than names for return values This would be because copies of references aren't made so pre incrementation would be Increment..
Excluding/Disabling Validation in Eclipse flags that stem mostly from a folder that we use to keep copies of external elements Apache PHP etc. . You know typical have..
How do I add more than one row with Zend_Db? know if the individual rows are new rows or modified copies of existing rows. Therefore for the Rowset class to offer a..