php Programming Glossary: cookie
Cross domain cookies domain cookies I have a small problem how do I set a cookie for multiple.. domain cookies I have a small problem how do I set a cookie for multiple domains I do understand the security problems and.. Is there any easy way using PHP and cookies or any alternatives php authentication cookies single sign..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? function will try to send headers with the session cookie to the client. But PHP already sent headers when it wrote the..
What's wrong with using $_REQUEST[]? It's that it also by default includes _COOKIE . And cookies really aren't like form submission parameters at all you almost.. to treat them as the same thing. If you accidentally get a cookie set on your site with the same name as one of your form parameters.. parameter will mysteriously stop working properly due to cookie values overriding the expected parameters. This is very easy..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? Feels a bit bloated 50 files And yet it lacks automatic cookie login Doesn't support logins with both username and email Seems.. footprint Lightweight no bloat 3 files Elegant automatic cookie login Comes with optional test implementation nice touch Cons.. data Emails for activation and lost passwords Automatic cookie login feature Configurable phpass for hashing properly salted..
Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP id that's being passed via a request such as GET POST or a cookie from PHP session_start When you are using sessions you will.. with session_start . If the browser has a session ID cookie set session_start will use that session ID. If the browser does.. that session ID. If the browser does not have a session ID cookie set session_start will create a new one. If the session ID is..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking not to read the URL for identifiers. Set session.use_only_cookies 1 in your php.ini file. This will tell PHP to never use URLs.. you destroy it thoroughly. This includes unsetting the cookie. Using session_destroy function destroySession params session_get_cookie_params.. session_destroy function destroySession params session_get_cookie_params setcookie session_name '' time 42000 params path params..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? alive for 30 minutes and then destroy it. php session cookies share improve this question You should implement a session.. mentioned by others session.gc_maxlifetime and session.cookie_lifetime are not reliable. I ™ll explain the reason for that... session data was not updated recently. And second session.cookie_lifetime session.cookie_lifetime specifies the lifetime of the..
Allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains to carry over to subdomains I use php sessions not cookies except for session id cookie for all user data and when a user.. I use php sessions not cookies except for session id cookie for all user data and when a user goes to their profile domains as long as its php apache session cookies share improve this question Here are 3 options. Place this..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game user id random number You could also use a session cookie to the same effect . The game code echoes this token back to.. score save. So next you feed not only a token or session cookie but also a high score encrypting session key. This will be a.. a login to play the game have the login produce a session cookie and don't allow multiple outstanding game launches on the same..
how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable So some guy at some other.. protocol he just embedded all of his response as cookies in the header. I need to pull these cookies out as hopefully.. response as cookies in the header. I need to pull these cookies out as hopefully an array from this curl response. If I have..
PHP: How do Cookies and Sessions work? How do Cookies and Sessions work I am trying to understand Cookies and sessions.. do Cookies and Sessions work I am trying to understand Cookies and sessions professionally I know that when browser enter.. share improve this question Let's go through this Cookies and sessions are both ways to preserve the application's state..
get_headers Inconsistency [closed] Type text html charset utf 8 4 Connection close 5 Set Cookie PHPSESSID 3iucojet7bt2peub72rgo0iu21 path HttpOnly 6 Expires.. post check 0 pre check 0 8 Pragma no cache 9 Set Cookie bypassStaticCache deleted expires Thu 01 Jan 1970 00 00 01 GMT.. expires Thu 01 Jan 1970 00 00 01 GMT path httponly 10 Set Cookie bypassStaticCache deleted expires Thu 01 Jan 1970 00 00 01 GMT..
Can't connect to HTTPS site using cURL. Returns 0 length content instead. What can I do? By ASP.NET Content Length 0 Content Type text html Set Cookie ASPSESSIONIDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx path Cache control..
Accessing $_COOKIE immediately after setcookie() a page refresh. setcookie 'uname' uname time 60 30 echo Cookie value . _COOKIE 'uname' php cookies share improve this question..
PHP - Send cookie with file_get_contents array 'method' GET 'header' Accept language en r n . Cookie foo bar r n context stream_context_create opts Open the file.. you send more than one cookie ' Like #1 or #2 or what #1 Cookie user 3345 pass abcd r n #2 Cookie user 3345 r n . Cookie pass.. Like #1 or #2 or what #1 Cookie user 3345 pass abcd r n #2 Cookie user 3345 r n . Cookie pass abcd r n php share improve this..
PHP: Cookie domain / subdomain control Cookie domain subdomain control I'm working on a site with multiple.. you could use the header function. For example header Set Cookie cookiename cookievalue expires Tue 06 Jan 2009 23 39 49 GMT..
PHP session without cookies that of keeping the state within the URL as opposed to the Cookie header. If a user were to copy and paste the URL of the page..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API #200 This API call requires a valid app_id. Set Cookie datr g4JBTb4OsRZxBAztV7iIkpWg expires Sat 26 Jan 2013 14 34..
Logging In To Joomla 1.5 Using External Form (not within joomla folder, but on same server) in cookie and pass it to the browser preg_match ' ^Set Cookie . m' ret m cookie explode ' ' m 1 setcookie cookie 0 cookie..
Headers already sent by PHP Both setcookie and session_start need to send a Set Cookie HTTP header . The same conditions therefore apply and similar..
PHP Pass variable to next page array and also before any output is sent to the browser. Cookie One page 1 _COOKIE 'varname' var_value On page 2 var_value _COOKIE..
how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable 1 result curl_exec ch get cookie preg_match ' ^Set Cookie s ^ mi' result m parse_str m 1 cookies var_dump cookies share..
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off? to Google with PHP and Curl Cookie turned off I have this code for logging into Google using Simple.. formFields 'Passwd' PASSWORD unset formFields 'PersistentCookie' post_string '' foreach formFields as key value post_string..
PHP and cURL cookies the documentation for the following cURL options CURLOPT_COOKIE CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR EDIT After reading your.. for the following cURL options CURLOPT_COOKIE CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR EDIT After reading your question more.. cURL options CURLOPT_COOKIE CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR EDIT After reading your question more thoroughly I'm afraid..
how to insert special character in mysql via php and display on html page enabled disable it or at least filter your GET POST COOKIE data to its raw value. You should always consciously escape.. _POST 'stripslashes' array_walk_recursive _COOKIE 'stripslashes' Now each GPC value should be always raw without..
Why is my $_ENV empty? for the following respective super globals GET POST COOKIE ENV and SERVER. There is a performance penalty paid for the..
What is a relatively secure way of using a login cookie? 'check' _SESSION 'check' User is logged in elseif isset _COOKIE 'remember' strlen _COOKIE 'remember' 106 THERE is a cookie which.. User is logged in elseif isset _COOKIE 'remember' strlen _COOKIE 'remember' 106 THERE is a cookie which is the right length 40session.. this script form harmfull user input plode explode ' ' _COOKIE 'remember' session mysql_real_escape_string plode 0 token mysql_real_escape_string..
passing variable between pages variables are produced by other user input via GET POST COOKIE page1.php session_start _SESSION 'id' id page2.php session_start..
Best way for hashing a “remember me” cookie token Website Authentication DO NOT STORE THE PERSISTENT LOGIN COOKIE TOKEN IN YOUR DATABASE ONLY A HASH OF IT The login token is..
PHP Pass variable to next page any output is sent to the browser. Cookie One page 1 _COOKIE 'varname' var_value On page 2 var_value _COOKIE 'varname' The.. page 1 _COOKIE 'varname' var_value On page 2 var_value _COOKIE 'varname' The big difference between sessions and cookies are.. Using POST var_value _POST 'varname' Using GET POST or COOKIE. var_value _REQUEST 'varname' Just change the method for the..