php Programming Glossary: counter
How to determine the first and last iteration in a foreach loop? php share improve this question You could use a counter i 0 len count array foreach array as item if i 0 first else..
How do I throttle my site's API users? frame minute_throttle . The leaky bucket never resets its counter unlike the Twitter API's throttle which resets every hour but..
how to find number of mondays or tuesdays between two dates? monday works just fine. function daycount day startdate counter if startdate time return counter else return daycount day strtotime.. daycount day startdate counter if startdate time return counter else return daycount day strtotime next . day startdate counter.. else return daycount day strtotime next . day startdate counter echo daycount monday strtotime 01.01.2009 0 Hopefully this is..
Best way to avoid duplicate entry into mysql database ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE somefield 'second' Update some counter INSERT INTO thetable pageid name VALUES 1 foo 1 foo ON DUPLICATE..
Php recursion to get all possibilities of strings if j th bit in a binary representation of the loop counter is equal to 1 include j th element in a combination. EDIT This..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one 1 2 2 2 3 2 ... 2 2352141 ... Each forum row includes a counter called next_thread_id unsigned int which is maintained by a..
Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function week month date Some code... script head body php for counter 0 counter count au counter switch au counter id case pageID.'.. date Some code... script head body php for counter 0 counter count au counter switch au counter id case pageID.' insights.. script head body php for counter 0 counter count au counter switch au counter id case pageID.' insights page_active_users..
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by [duplicate] createElement xml dom appendChild root i 1 foreach song as counter create child element song dom createElement track root appendChild.. appendChild song1 create text node text dom createTextNode counter song1 appendChild text song1 dom createElement title song appendChild..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking and compare often. Basically for each request do _SESSION 'counter' on the server side. Also do something in JS on the browsers.. a hijacked session since the attacker won't have the exact counter or if they do you'll have 2 systems transmitting the same count..
Header in PDF page using DOMPDF in PHP background color lightblue #footer .page after content counter page upper roman style body div id header h1 Widgets Express..
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements over them utilizing a library I mentioned above. So to counter the code posted by the riha below it would be as short as these..
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL e echo e getMessage You can try it here . Visit Counter If your user uses the same cookie to crawl your pages you ™ll..
Testing if a network in cidr notation overlaps another network mask as binary strings protected address protected mask Counter to track the current iteration offset private iteratorOffset..
PHP showing logged in user info a href http Free Tumblr Users Online Counter a noscript center div php echo a href 'logout.php' logge ut..
How to Convert Comma Seperated Column into rows and add counter SQL FIDDLE SCHEMA I need result like this. Where id 5 Counter docs 1 doc.txt 2 doc1.txt 3 doc2.rtf 4 doc3.docx 5 doc4.doc.. 2 doc1.txt 3 doc2.rtf 4 doc3.docx 5 doc4.doc Where id 4 Counter docs 1 doc.txt 2 doc1.txt 3 doc2.rtf You see i need to explode.. You must use helper table sequence SELECT FROM SELECT S.Id Counter REPLACE SUBSTRING SUBSTRING_INDEX document ' ' S.Id LENGTH SUBSTRING_INDEX..
Call php from javascript and return an array from php to Javascript function php dir 'uploads ' dir _REQUEST 'dir' filesArray array Counter 0 files scandir dir foreach files as file if file '.' file '..'.. dir foreach files as file if file '.' file '..' filesArray Counter file echo filesArray Counter .' br ' Counter Counter 1 return.. file '.' file '..' filesArray Counter file echo filesArray Counter .' br ' Counter Counter 1 return filesArray php javascript..
How to pass value from JavaScript to PHP and get return of PHP back to JavaScript [duplicate] php dir 'uploads ' dir _REQUEST 'dir' filesArray array Counter 0 files scandir dir foreach files as file if file '.' file '..'.. dir foreach files as file if file '.' file '..' filesArray Counter file echo filesArray Counter .' br ' Counter Counter 1 return.. file '.' file '..' filesArray Counter file echo filesArray Counter .' br ' Counter Counter 1 return filesArray php javascript..