php Programming Glossary: convoluted
Imagick on heroku - is it possible? by default. You have two options you can find some convoluted way to package ImageMagick with your application itself for..
Methods for caching PHP objects to file? the data to file as pure PHP the fastest read but quite a convoluted write op I should stress now that I'm looking for a solution..
Get WordPress Post ID from Post title with a custom WordPress theme I'm developing. It's a bit convoluted but essentially what I need to do is get a Post Id by it's Post..
Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code biz I can attest to one thing Half the code you get is so convoluted it might as well have been minified and really function var..
Parsing CSS by regex share improve this question That just seems too convoluted for a single regular expression. Well I'm sure that with the..
How can I set text value of SimpleXmlElement without using its parent? text of some node found by xpath Let's take c for example convoluted and I can't be sure I'm setting right node firstC reset args..
PHP debug_backtrace in production code? PHP isn't a system designed for elegance. One highly convoluted reason not to use debug_backtrace for application logic is it's..
Why are PHP function calls *so* expensive? profiling disabled . This showed that my tests were fairly convoluted this time with 10000000 runs I got with function call 3.152988910675..
Convert array of paths into UL list is listed only one time. I currently have a very long and convoluted series of queries and php to pull all these and rewrite the..
Google Maps Save Polygon and points in MySQL using PHP to parse that text to make it do something else. It seems convoluted. php mysql google maps google maps api 3 gis share improve..
isset() vs strlen() - a fast/clear string length calculation the length of a string when not considering purposefully convoluted ones like explode count and things like that. Finally I also..