php Programming Glossary: config
Deploy a project using Git push to your web server On your local copy modify your .git config file and add your web server as a remote remote production url..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? just 4 DB tables Most features are optional and easily configured Language file support reCAPTCHA supported Hooks into CI's.. system Activation emails Login with email username or both configurable Unactivated accounts auto expire Simple yet effective.. lot of autoloading impeding performance Badly micromanaged config file Terrible View Controller separation with lots of program..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file In a nutshell you use it like this CREATE config new SimpleXmlElement ' settings ' config setting1 'setting1.. like this CREATE config new SimpleXmlElement ' settings ' config setting1 'setting1 value' config saveXML 'config.xml' READ.. ' settings ' config setting1 'setting1 value' config saveXML 'config.xml' READ config new SimpleXmlElement 'config.xml'..
How should a model be structured in MVC? new Router new RouteBuilder router import __DIR__ . ' config routes.json' .. and registers it to the initialized services..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] Can be used for testing _POST 'id' 1 _POST 'name' 'Markus' config array 'host' '' 'user' 'my_user' 'pass' 'my_pass' 'db'.. and disable mysql error output connection @mysql_connect config 'host' config 'user' config 'pass' if connection trigger_error.. mysql error output connection @mysql_connect config 'host' config 'user' config 'pass' if connection trigger_error 'Unable to..
What does this mean? “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM” code php Class Context protected config public function getConfig key Here's the problem somewhere... cnf this config return cnf.. the problem somewhere... cnf this config return cnf getConfig key function __construct this config new Config In the constructor.. cnf getConfig key function __construct this config new Config In the constructor I create a Config object. Here's the class..
Use of PDO in classes building data source name from config dsn 'pgsql host ' . Config read '' . ' dbname ' . Config read 'db.basename' . .. dsn 'pgsql host ' . Config read '' . ' dbname ' . Config read 'db.basename' . ' port ' . Config read 'db.port' . '.. . ' dbname ' . Config read 'db.basename' . ' port ' . Config read 'db.port' . ' connect_timeout 15' getting DB user from..
What is the best method for getting a database connection/object into a function in PHP? app class ResourceManager private static DB private static Config public static function get resource options false if property_exists..
Installing PEAR and PHPUnit with xampp docs examples ERROR failed to mkdir C php pear docs Config docs ..... My PHP directory is installed under C xampp php What..
What is the best way to store configuration variables in PHP? 'password' Don't know if this is such a good idea. class Config const static MYSQL_PASSWORD 'password' This is all I have thought..
CakePHP 2.0 - How to make custom error pages? cakephp 2.0 share improve this question Try this app Config core.php Exception render need to set as an AppExceptionRender.. render need to set as an AppExceptionRender . Example Configure write 'Exception' array 'handler' 'ErrorHandler handleException'..