php Programming Glossary: confirmed
PHP 5.4 PDO could not connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication I changed the password with the MySQL 4.1 option and it confirmed the update was successful. The profile has been updated. SET..
Php debugging with Aptana Studio and Xdebug or Zend debugger on OS X me socket error when I try to debug. Xdebug is installed confirmed through php info. php debugging osx aptana xdebug share improve..
How does similar_text work? around. It has been reported as a bug which hasn't been confirmed by anyone. Now the above is the same for both PHP and javascript..
storing objects in php session is lost in _SESSION becomes empty . any idea Edit I have confirmed that session_id is the same in all of these pages subpages before..
Idiot-proof, cross-browser force download in PHP i know but first browser must know filesize WORK tested confirmed in IE6 7 8 FF3 Opera Chrome and safari on PC Mac Linux... I..
Should I use multi-byte overloading (mbstring.func_overload)? option in the per directory context because it's not confirmed yet to be stable enough in a production environment and may..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user since this might change the conditions under which.. NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user since this might change the conditions under which.. NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user since this might change the conditions under which..
validation link via email process Store the ID along with the E Mail address a confirmed field default no and any additional data in a database table.. page checks whether the unique key exists and changes the confirmed field to yes or 1 or whatever . Additionally and optionally..
PHP session variables not being maintaned indicate fresh sessions for each request. EDIT Since we've confirmed new sessions per request it's time to find out whether session..
Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? php_openssl.dll is no longer commented out. I even confirmed that the .dll is in the ext folder of the php folder. Both libeay32.dll..
CakePHP Shared core for multiple apps cake in it that contains the core. Once all of this is confirmed you will be good as gold Happy Coding UPDATE When the index.php..
How exactly do Regular Expression word boundaries work in PHP? to combine the and @ together to form a word which is confirmed by the following matching preg_match g b @ bn i something @nimal..
how to integrate facebook login with your website? server a thumbs up and an id meaning we have positively confirmed the identity of this user it's user 174264384 . Your server..
Printing to printers in PHP I'm unable to print the strings I pass to printer_write. I confirmed that contents is properly filled with the contents of my test..
How to get user access token? docs reference api permissions I've confirmed that the app access token and user access token are two different..
is_null($x) vs $x === null in PHP [duplicate] if a value is null is_null and null . I have heard but not confirmed that null is faster but in a code review someone strongly suggested..
How to post message with message_tags field using Graph API in PHP want to post message with message_tags using Graph API. I confirmed message only post in PHP but don't work with message_tags....
Bulletin board - Database optimisation to many relation between users and categories Ditto. . Confirmed a bulletin bbs does not exist without an user an user issues.. the whole cycle then invites replies and ratings. 3.1 Confirmed There is really only one bulletin board and it does not exist.. and it does not exist as a Thing in the database. 3.2 Confirmed that the org will never have more than one bulletin board and..