php Programming Glossary: concatenated
Is there any difference between 'print' and 'echo' in PHP? [duplicate] without parentheses can take multiple parameters which get concatenated echo and a 1 2 3 comma separated without parentheses echo and..
How do I write Routing Chains for a Subdomain in Zend Framework in a routing INI file? be selected. Parent child chained route names are always concatenated with a dash So like in the example above b2b.chains.signup becomes..
Foursquare API for venue user image error photo prefix.'110x110'.user photo suffix That is I have concatenated them with 30x30 and 110x110 . Thus the above image becomes https..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? string variables aren't just interpolated into SQL but concatenated with escaping calls in between. pdo_query SELECT id links html..
Why does “echo '2' . print(2) + 3” print 521? [closed] 3 outputs 521 php share improve this question Echo a concatenated string composed of The string '2' The result of the function..
Secure login with proper authentication in PHP is that before a password is hashed it is combined usually concatenated or xor'd with a value called the salt which is unique to each..
How to get ID of the last updated row in MySQL?
Construct a PHP variable name based on other variable values and static text but am struggling with syntax. I can get it to echo the concatenated name but I can't figure out how to get that name evaluated...
How are echo and print different in PHP? [duplicate] without parentheses can take multiple parameters which get concatenated echo and a 1 2 3 comma separated without parentheses echo and..
Force freeing memory in PHP has to do with memory fragmentation. Consider two strings concatenated to one string. Each original must remain util the output is..
What is the maximum length of a String in PHP? of limit. What happens when a string gets too large Is it concatenated or does PHP throw an exception php share improve this question..
Strange echo, print behaviour in PHP? Your statement parses to humans as follows. Echo a concatenated string composed of The result of the function print '3' which..
xPath doesn't retrieve HTML as part of the content value of any selected element because this is only the concatenated in document order text descendants of this element. Also the..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? rtrim this baseurl ' ' no trailing slash as it will be concatenated with request uri wich has leading slash parent __construct..
PHP random string generator in scope when you echo it. The characters are not getting concatenated together in the loop. Here's a code snippet with the corrections..
Should I use curly brackets or concatenate variables within strings? Curly braces greeting Welcome name Personally I've always concatenated my strings because I use UEStudio and it highlights PHP variables.. and it highlights PHP variables a different color when concatenated. However when the variable is not broken out it does not. It..
Alternative to SSL - “Manual” Encryption? user. So transfer_key could be equal to a constant_key concatenated with a random key and same goes for storage_key. Would this..
How to efficiently monitor a directory for changes on linux? Clients browser cache Magento uses an md5 sum of the concatenated css filenames to generate a new filename for the merged css..