php Programming Glossary: config.xml
Don't understand the output in XML Entities and PHP SimpleXMLElement I have an XML file wich calls an external entity this is config.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 DOCTYPE config ENTITY totalInstances.. nombre 45 nombre totalInstances So in PHP I load the file config.xml with the help of the Class SimpleXMLElement config simplexml_load_file.. of the Class SimpleXMLElement config simplexml_load_file 'config.xml' Then I output the variable config with a var_dump and here..
access denied to PHP from Blackberry 10 platform using phonegap - closed share improve this question The solution is to edit the config.xml file of the project add the tag access subdomains true uri http..
Magento - overriding Adminhtml block to the class I'm overriding and the new modified class. My config.xml the relevant part global blocks adminhtml rewrite system_store_sdit_form.. to override it. If necessary I can post my entire config.xml but it's mostly creating a top level admin menu and specifies..
What is the correct way to set up an observer in Magento? to understand is what needs to placed in the modules config.xml and what is the naming convention for the classes and or methods.. from the Yourmodule Model directory.. In your module's config.xml file config global events full_event_name observers yourmodule..
Gernerate custom urls within Magento using magento currently i have set a default route in config.xml within the local module. frontend routers portfolios use standard.. a custom suffix of .html which i have added to the same config.xml file. default portfolios seo portfolios_url_suffix .html portfolios_url_suffix..
How to set custom grand total before checkout process in magento? in collecting process AFTER Grand total collector see config.xml in module etc directory remove before subtotal before node then..
Magento - Adding a new column to sales_flat_quote_item and sales_flat_order_item or just use it as module setup class in config.xml global resources your_module_setup setup module Your_Module..
Magento - How do I add an invoice fee to an order during checkout process total add a new entry see app code core Mage Sales etc config.xml for more examples paymentFee class yourmodule quote_address_total_paymentFee.. class A model after subtotal after paymentFee Also in the config.xml add the following to global ... fieldsets sales_convert_quote..
Magento Design Patterns # PHP Mage dispatchEvent 'event_name' array 'key' value # config.xml config global events event_name observers unique_name class..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? file touch app code local MyCompanyName HelloWorld etc config.xml and inside the configuration file add the following which is..
Add column to Magento admin catolog > manage products product's grid via events. app code local My Module etc config.xml config adminhtml events eav_collection_abstract_load_before..
Magento module Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Cashondelivery_Helper_Data' not found in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php on line 516 etc app local Companyname Cashondelivery helpers The etc config.xml xml version 1.0 config modules Companyname_Cashondelivery declare.. class you need to add the class group mapping to your config.xml file as follows global helpers cashondelivery class Companyname_Cashondelivery_Helper..
Sort algorithm: Magento checkout totals sorted wrongly causing wrong shipping tax calculation a custom total and if I add the following lines to the config.xml the sorting is wrong. Wrong means tax_shipping comes before..
Setting a global variable in Magento, the GUI way? create a file at app etc modules named Stackoverflow_Customconfig.xml and place the following inside xml version 1.0 config modules.. a file at app code local Stackoverflow Customconfig etc config.xml with the following contents xml version 1.0 config modules Stackoverflow_Customconfig..