php Programming Glossary: conditionals
Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value 'name' 'eq' 'Widget B' A full list of the supported short conditionals eq lt etc. can be found in the _getConditionSql method in lib..
Errors appearing in mysqli code and call_user_func_array() parameterTypes . 'i' If we added to where in any of the conditionals we need a WHERE clause in our query if empty where selectedstudentanswerqry..
Understanding MVC Views in PHP only for repeat structures foreach array as item basic conditionals if boolean and echo as if it was indeed a template language..
How does php cast boolean variables? I use debug the is_login value is blank. and when I do conditionals like if result Users is_login the conditions are always false...
How to sort rows of HTML table that are called from MySQL to have the MySQL queries do this but do I set them up as conditionals with a href tags php mysql table share improve this question..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? and what does it do operator PHP Where can I read about conditionals done with and Using PHP 5.3 operator Alternative syntax for..
PHP conditionals, brackets needed? conditionals brackets needed I was just browsing a forum and someone asked.. work Any input would be great. Thanks Levi php brackets conditionals share improve this question you can do if else statements..
Where can I read about conditionals done with ? and : [duplicate] can I read about conditionals done with and duplicate Possible Duplicate Reference What does.. What does this symbol mean in PHP I've been doing conditionals with if else or a year or so now. Looking at some new code I'm.. explaining how it works. Help php syntax ternary operator conditionals share improve this question It's the Ternary Operator ...
MVC: how much code should be in a view? quickly become a tangled mess of c p'ed markup mixed with conditionals. For any duplication you'll double the time it takes to change..
PHP: If internet explorer 6, 7, 8 , or 9 need this to show some different messages to users so CSS conditionals etc are no good. php browser share improve this question..
Pros and Cons of Interface constants The best designs wouldn't include any constants or conditionals or magic numbers or magic strings or hard coded anything. However..
How to get previous month and year relative to today, using strtotime and date? compatible strings. I know it can be done with few conditionals and basic math but that's really messy compared to this for..
Understanding nested PHP ternary operator [closed] improve this question You need to bracket the ternary conditionals php for a 0 a 7 a echo a 1 'one' a 2 'two' a 3 'three' a 5 'four'..
PHP as a template language, or some other PHP templating script? [closed] purpose was to be a templating language. I work by the conditionals and loops principle in general I only use PHP's conditionals.. and loops principle in general I only use PHP's conditionals and loops in my templates and only for generating HTML code...
Closures or create_function in PHP twice as fast as the closure when it can remove just four conditionals and concats . Obviously there is no extra processing going on.. case where you have little extra processing but a lot of conditionals that could be removed and the callback is called enough times..