php Programming Glossary: confident
Baffled: PHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0? stores arrays into the session quite a bit but I'm confident that it doesn't store anything too out of the ordinary in it...
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? in great part by educated guesses. Even though I am fully confident in the conclusion the terminology or details might be off. I..
Create cronjob with Zend Framework nightly reports. It was great to use Zend_Mail. When I was confident that my script was working the way I wanted I just added it..
PHP regex for validating a URL 5.2 I've searched the web but can't find anything that I'm confident will be fool proof and all I can find on SO is people saying..
How to make a Multilanguage website in php and Mysql on your path come back with specific questions and I'm confident you'll get more specific answers. Hope this helps. share improve..
mysqli prepared statements and mysqli_real_escape_string prepared statements to bind all of my variables can I be confident that sql injection is impossible And dispense completely with..
PHP authentication with multiple domains and subdomains your code you have a very good understanding of PHP so I'm confident you will pull this off Good luck mate. share improve this..
How to write a REST API? MySQL and PHP so my skills are a bit outdated but I'm confident that I would be able to pull it of using the techniques I already..
datetime to timestamp [duplicate] this question timestamp strtotime datetime Or if you're confident of the format split up the string with explode or even substr..
How to set up PEAR on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard to work Has anyone had success with this I'm not totally confident that I have everything set up as it should be so if you could..
Best methods to clean up a hacked site with no clean version available? is hacked. I've worked on AppArmor for ten years and I'm confident most system administrators can learn how to deploy a workable..
ASP.Net MVC or Zend Framework. What is your opinion I was making the decision I'd work with whatever I'm most confident using or which would be most relevant for the future. share..
Perfect Hash Function for Human Readable Order Codes lose at least one bit and at most two bits &mdash but I'm confident that due to the nature of the steps between those right shift..