php Programming Glossary: config.php
MySQL Error “Too many connections” MySQL Error Too many connections... and it pointed to my config.php file which connects to the database. It has just been me connecting.. database no other users. On each of my pages I include the config.php file at the top and close the mysql connection at the end of.. that the next one won't connect. Would I have to include config.php again after the close in order to connect This error scared..
Stop using `global` in PHP using `global` in PHP I have a config.php that is included to each page. In config I create an array that..
How to become an OpenCart guru? user related functions cart.php Cart related functions config.php All settings are loaded from this url.php URL generation functions..
How can I have CodeIgniter load specific pages using SSL? to both folders then in the file system application config config.php set your page to config 'base_url' http or.. keep all your code in one folder system application config config.php set your page to config 'base_url' https Other..
How to include config.php efficiently? to include config.php efficiently I'm always interested in more efficient ways and.. new things. Right now I am using the code php include 'config.php' in each and every file. Depending on where the file is in my.. is in my the folder structure I would have php include '.. config.php' or even php include '.. .. config.php' . How can I make it..
Laravel 4 - Connect to other database want to connect to another database sometimes. I created a config.php with the database connection data. But how can i tell laravel..
Enabling $_GET in codeigniter list of allowed characters in the URI. application config config.php config 'uri_protocol' PATH_INFO config 'permitted_uri_chars'..
CodeIgniter PHP Framework - Need to get query string 'PATH_INFO' and enable_query_strings 'TRUE' in config.php . While googling I found this won't work if I use htaccess rewrite...
Codeigniter Routes regex - using dashes in controller/method names is as follows in your system application config config.php config 'subclass_prefix' 'MY_' Then upload a file named MY_Router.php.. as config 'subclass_prefix' 'MY_' in application config config.php Few extra lines of code has been added in method _validate_request..
How I can create installer for website. PHP mysql [closed] insert they database details which then they change in config.php file. also i have tables.sql which i like to run query I try..
CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error in it's configuration directory. . application config config.php Open the file and make config 'index_page' value empty. which..
How to append to a XML file with PHP preferably with SimpleXML with childs name filepath and thumb to this same file xml config.php . Like I said I kinda got it to work but its unformatted and..
Remove index.php in codeigniter 2.1.0 codeigniter share improve this question In application config.php make sure that config 'index_page' Then set this as your .htaccess..
Pear error messages with PHP5.3.0 of new by reference is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR Config.php on line 650 Deprecated Assigning the return value of new by.. of new by reference is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR Config.php on line 697 Deprecated Assigning the return value of new by.. of new by reference is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR Config.php on line 757 Deprecated Assigning the return value of new by..
Xampp 1.7.4 and PHP 5.3.5 (Deprecated warnings) of new by reference is deprecated in D xampp php PEAR Config.php on line 80 Deprecated Assigning the return value of new by reference.. of new by reference is deprecated in D xampp php PEAR Config.php on line 166 Deprecated Assigning the return value of new by..