php Programming Glossary: computers
Different WCF Bindings, their differences and compatibility with other platforms and transactions. NetPeerTcpBinding Communication between computers across peer to peer services. Supports duplex contracts. NetTcpBinding.. Communication between WCF applications across computers. Supports duplex contracts and transactions. share improve..
Calculating total quantity of equipments for a date range C is related 2 rows. It means that 1 pen eqId 2 and 3 computers eqId 3 will be using in room2 from 27th to 30th of august 2012..
How to enable DDoS protection? average CPU utilization disk i o network traffic on all computers and VMs in your system Making sure that all this information.. retrievable and that you can correlate logs from different computers and services i.e. ensure all computers are time synchronized.. logs from different computers and services i.e. ensure all computers are time synchronized using ntp . Sensible constraints and limits..
Anatomy of a Distributed System in PHP PHP. Worker machines are just regular cheap Windows based computers that I'll host on my home or at my workplace each worker will..
best practice for developing webpage for mobile phone most of the bells and whistles browsers running on desktop computers consider run of the mill. Declare the mobile doctype with your..
php force download extension should be .m4r even though the mime is aac. On some computers it's downloaded as test.m4r while on other computers the file.. some computers it's downloaded as test.m4r while on other computers the file has extension of test.m4r.acc . How do I fix this problem..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords crack a hashed password doesn't exist. The only way for computers to crack a password is to recreate it and simulate the hashing..
Material to learn PHP [closed] ActionScript tutorial begins with telling you what computers can do. A typical PHP tutorial will teach you how HTTP requests..
Sending a 404 error in PHP of that blank page you'd see a 404 header and other computers programs would be able to correctly identify the response as..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems others. Some files are also stored on employees desktop computers and laptops and some are still hard copies stored in hundreds.. Files are strewn all over the place different servers computers etc. The file name is the ONLY thing matching the binary to..
PHP Warning: wbExec Hopefully I could ask if someone can help me. I have two computers. I tried an INcomplete software on both of them with exactly.. Now Im much worried about this. Software must work on both computers. The fact that it does ''work'' with ''work'' I mean it successfully..
Having a single entry point to a website. Bad? Good? Non-issue? is wrong. This shows a clear lack of understanding how computers work. The more something gets used the more likely it's closer..
Is it important to verify that the uploaded file is an actual image file? library touch it and this should include those on the computers of your site's users for security reasons the file should be..
isset() vs strlen() - a fast/clear string length calculation Probably because I was taught at a time when resources on computers were tiny. I'm open to the idea that it may not be important..