php Programming Glossary: configurable
Global or Singleton for database connection? scaling my app I want to use a pool of 10 connections Or a configurable number of connections A singleton factory gives you that flexibility...
How to enable DDoS protection? If possible make these constraints dynamic or at least configurable. This way while you are under attack you can set aggressive..
PHP: How To Disable Dangerous Functions this in httpd.conf. I suppose this is too internal to be configurable anywhere else than in PHP... And as it's security related it's..
Reference: mod_rewrite, URL rewriting and “pretty links” explained then return the result. All this association is completely configurable a file doesn't have to end in .php for the web server to run..
PHP Markdown XSS Sanitizer else out there that may be a little less robust and configurable but still do a solid job Or should I just dig in and start trying..
Running a Zend Framework action from command line row db fetchRow 'SELECT FROM something' If you wish to add configurable arguments to your CLI script take a look at Zend_Console_Getopt..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? system Activation emails Login with email username or both configurable Unactivated accounts auto expire Simple yet effective error..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP want your php code to be usable everywhere is to have a configurable option somewhere with instructions on how to activate it depending..
Why is my $_ENV empty? on Windows because some of them eg php_ldap are only configurable through environment vars on _ENV . share improve this answer..
How to read large worksheets from large Excel files (27MB+) with PHPExcel? 240 startRow chunkSize echo 'Loading WorkSheet using configurable filter for headings row 1 and for rows ' startRow ' to ' startRow.. 240 startRow chunkSize echo 'Loading WorkSheet using configurable filter for headings row 1 and for rows ' startRow ' to ' startRow..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? an hashing algorithm which is scalable with hardware via a configurable number of rounds . Its slowness and multiple rounds ensures..
Magento - load only configurable products load only configurable products I have the following code _productCollection this.. as _product if _product _data 'type_id' 'configurable' ... While it does what it's supposed to do it greatly slows.. slows down page load time. Is it possible to load only configurable products and remove the check for 'configurable' The store has..
Why does an infinitely recursive function in PHP cause a segfault? hint from XDebug and other languages Python etc and make a configurable nesting level Python's is set to 1000 by default .... Either..
String with array structure to Array can be trivially encapsulated inside a function and it is configurable on all three input values you can pass in an array with existing..
new limit within php: 1000 fields per POST. Does someone know, if the number can be influenced? . Also beware of max_input_nesting_level And yes they are configurable. Just edit your php.ini or htaccess values. share improve this..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input displayed on orders invoices and such. It should also be configurable by the customer in the frontend before adding a product to the..