php Programming Glossary: configurations
MySQL/PHP Error:[2002] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted Perl v5.10.1 Any help on what I should change in any of my configurations to make this go away would be greatly appreciated. I've looked..
How to properly set up a PDO connection load.initialize.php' . load.initialize.php # site configurations require 'configure.php' # connect to database require 'root..
php uploading large files PHPFramwork CodeIgniter I ™ve also tried many other php.ini configurations. The file uploading class that I ™ve built received posted file..
The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US ASCII..
Json Menu Structure from MySQL id 2424 ` I have tried while for for each in lots of configurations but I can not make it build the right array structure to encode..
PHP Source Encryption - Effectiveness and Disadvantages dislike because they don't want to set up special configurations just for you. But the bad part is that they contain the seeds..
What are some pros and cons of the various PHP IDEs? [closed] test site great code completion and help multiple run configurations easy remote deployment html css and javascript support debugging..
codeigniter multiple file upload to the final destination To deal with different server configurations we'll attempt to use copy first. If that fails we'll use move_uploaded_file..
Should I use multi-byte overloading (mbstring.func_overload)?
Best method for creating absolute path in PHP? (See 3 methods listed inside) DOCUMENT_ROOT may work differently between server configurations Apache vs IIS vs Lighttpd vs nginex . cwd shows the selected..
Simplest way to detect client locale in PHP or user locale to English UK which in default browser configurations should result in en gb as the Accept Language header. An earlier..
Finding similar number patterns in table as well as find members that have the most similar configurations. The ^ operator given 2 light switch configurations does a comparison.. configurations. The ^ operator given 2 light switch configurations does a comparison for us. The result is again a series of switches..
Dirt-simple PHP templates… can this work without `eval`? always enabled ...and we want our app to run on various configurations. When I initially hack a concept together it starts out as one..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise that the same problem would occur when running in other configurations too. The problem appears to result when PHP flushes output to..
PDO::exec() or PDO::query()? may have some issues on 64bit's OS's and Some windows configurations. Bug Information http bug.php id 47224 share improve..
how can convert $files contain to array? to the final destination To deal with different server configurations we'll attempt to use copy first. If that fails we'll use move_uploaded_file..
move_uploaded_file gives “failed to open stream: Permission denied ” error after all configurations i did to open stream Permission denied &rdquo error after all configurations i did I keep getting this error when trying to configure the..
Is APC compatible with PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5? the odd report of edge cases from people under certain configurations or under heavy load. As with everything you would want to use..
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR [duplicate] and could give you a small performance increase under some configurations. If you have access to change your php.ini configuration file..