php Programming Glossary: concerns
How foreach actually works know what foreach is does and how to use it. This question concerns how it works under the bonnet and I don't want any answers along..
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? mysql pdo share improve this question To answer your concerns MySQL 5.1.17 or 5.1.21 for the PREPARE and EXECUTE statements..
PHP 5.4: disable warning “Creating default object from empty value” Unless this is paid work in which case there usually are concerns that override purity of implementation consider this as a lesson..
PHP: Preventing Session Hijacking with token stored as a cookie? sessions so I was wondering if there are any security concerns with doing that Is it a bad idea php session cookies token..
Can I call a Model from a View? Yes you can. As long as you maintain the separation of concerns between M V and C you are free to call upon the Model or the..
data mapper vs active record [closed] storing retrieving domain objects no mixing of concerns here as a result more easy to inject persistence collaborators..
PHP Upload file enhance security improve this question There are a number of secuirty concerns that arise with uploading files. The first problem is that the..
Why should I use templating system in PHP? to implement business logic so it forces you to separate concerns. Templating with PHP can lure you to walk around the templating.. engine it becomes easy to slip and stop separating concerns. However the same people who have problems separating concerns.. However the same people who have problems separating concerns end up generating HTML and feeding it to smarty or executing..
How to protect html form from spammers? like 6 9 be better as a question The only thing that concerns me is that if it's as easy as this to protect a signup then..
How do you prevent SQL injection in LAMP applications? cumbersome. Also separating the query from the inputs concerns me because although it's crucial to get the order correct it's..
What does it mean to run PHP in quiet mode? php php cli share improve this question This only concerns the PHP interpreter built against the CGI SAPI. This version..
Conversion from Simplified to Traditional Chinese your target markets. Additionally there are sociopolitical concerns as well. For example you can use terms like Republic of China..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP you app and the specific example maybe not a big one. Your concerns about maintainability and probably very valid and some of the..
Magento programmatically add product image other questions regarding this problem but none of them concerns with adding images to the product. This is what I came with..
Indented list to multidimensional array on SO or elsewhere on the internet for that matter . It concerns a nested indented list which I want to convert into a multidimensional..
Connecting remote PHP/Apache server to Quickbooks/Windows supposedly works pretty darn well. I hear there are some concerns with performance sometimes so I would try it before you commit..
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in PHP machine and then uploading the results size bandwidth concerns notwithstanding . anyway good luck share improve this answer..