php Programming Glossary: condition
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? modification are permitted provided that the following conditions are met 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above.. code must retain the above copyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary.. must reproduce the above copyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and or other..
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP file caches files have a modification date . A simple condition makes it work if file_exists 'cache.txt' filemtime 'cache.txt'..
How can I echo HTML in PHP? can I echo HTML in PHP I want to conditionally output HTML to generate a page so what's the easiest way.. a few ways to echo HTML in PHP. 1. In between PHP tags if condition HTML here 2. In an echo if condition echo HTML here With echos.. between PHP tags if condition HTML here 2. In an echo if condition echo HTML here With echos if you wish to use double quotes in..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? should handle the conditions in complex queries the data mapper or the service layer this.. could have a generic get method that accepts condition s such as the book's unique identifier author name etc. This.. trivial logically but what if we want to have multiple conditions that require a more complex query Lets say we want to get all..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables different ways to accomplish this. We could add another condition to the where clause like this select a.ID b.model c.color from..
What is the right way to handle $_POST data in MVC? with all the forms of application. But that is only on the condition you are actually using same application for all 3 use cases... application for all 3 use cases. To do so there are two conditions you need to abstract the Request instance that controller receives..
Loading CSV into MySQL table with PHP error HTTP Error 500 Internal Server Error An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the..
The 3 different equals a variable while two equal signs is for a comparison condition and lastly three equal signs is for comparing values of declared..
What is a RECURSIVE Function in PHP? calling itself how does it know when to stop You set up a condition known as a base case. Base cases tell our recursive call when..
Implementing condition in XPath [duplicate] condition in XPath duplicate This question already has an answer here..
What is the difference between the | and || or operators? Operator is a short circuit operator. For example if condition1 condition2 condition3 If condition1 is true condition 2 and.. is a short circuit operator. For example if condition1 condition2 condition3 If condition1 is true condition 2 and 3 will NOT.. circuit operator. For example if condition1 condition2 condition3 If condition1 is true condition 2 and 3 will NOT be checked...
Remove empty array elements share improve this question You have a typo in your if condition it should be link not links . Furthermore in order to modify..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device classes that you can use but I was hoping for a simple if condition Is there a way I can do this Thanks all for any help php mobile..
Preserve key order (stable sort) when sorting with PHP's uasort i arr 'key '. i rand 1 5 10 uasort arr function a b sort condition may go here Tried return a b 1 a b Tried return a b print_r..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? the negative lookahead assertion which tests for this condition The assertion beginning with the comment Assert URL is not pre.. begins or ends with a dash. Fixed so that it handles this condition. Changed the VIDEO_ID expression so that it must be exactly..
php/MySQL insert row then get 'id' do a SELECT MAX id FROM mytable . Like you say it's a race condition and there's no need. mysql_insert_id already has this functionality...
split a string PHP end cause You need to delete words that are incomplete. Condition of that incomplete word is when short string is not ending with..
Is there a difference between i==0 and 0==i? [duplicate] warns of the typo. The second is famously known as Yoda Condition . I say there is no difference because you cannot guard yourself..
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation callable' r b a break default throw new ErrorException Condition not valid ... Use fn for custom operations break return r..
Changing a global variable from inside a function PHP beginning of the code. var 01 01 10 function checkdate if Condition var 01 01 11 php function variables global share improve.. like so var 01 01 10 function checkdate global var if Condition var 01 01 11 Any reference to that variable will be to the..
Condition inside regex pattern inside regex pattern I would like to remove any extra whitespace..
I don't get prices with Amazon Product Advertising API 01 'Operation' ItemLookup 'Service' AWSECommerceService 'Condition' All 'IdType' 'ASIN' 'ItemId' artNr params 'Timestamp' gmdate.. RequestId RequestId Arguments Argument Name Condition Value All Argument Argument Name Operation Value ItemLookup.. Items Request IsValid True IsValid ItemLookupRequest Condition All Condition IdType ASIN IdType ItemId B003TKSD8E ItemId ResponseGroup..