php Programming Glossary: concentrate
ORM and Active Record Pattern in PHP? the database. An ORM takes care of most of that so you can concentrate on writing the actual app. Of course they don't come without..
running matlab code from php Application Deployment Web Example Guide Note that they concentrate on ASP.NET and Java JSP servlet applications. In your case the..
Logging all Soap request and responses in PHP the SoapClient with a mock in your UnitTests so you can concentrate on testing the logging functionality. If you only want to log..
To use Wordpress for developing a web application? a low time effort investment allowing you more time to concentrate on playing to CakePHPs strengths for your dynamic application..
Best way to parse bbcode of work on your own. If neither of those are an option I'd concentrate on turning the BBCode into a valid XML string and then using..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? this getFinderMock Voila Nice and easy and. We can concentrate on testing MyTestClass now. While you were doing that your boss..
Improve this PHP Bitfield Class for settings/permissions? further explaining the bit masking bit of this so I'll concentrate on I do like the idea of making it more extensible generic so..
What PHP application design/design patterns do you use? coming up with your own encryption algorithm. If you don't concentrate on security it's not worth writing your own framework. Comment..
How to implement hash_hmac properly? allows attackers to acquire a list of valid usernames and concentrate on breaking their passwords instead of fishing in the darkness...
Compiling an AST back to source code only on Nodes that were changed. For now I would like to concentrate on 1. as 2. seems pretty hard to accomplish but if you got tips..
Best means of licensing php software? [closed] Web Development firms for example. Personally I'd rather concentrate on adding value to your product and grabbing support contracts...
PHP vs template engine [closed] smarty variables. The folks on the programming team now concentrate on more back end work that is the production of the content..
How to grab IP:PORT with regex? improve this question Your regex is fine so I will just concentrate on the port itself. This regex #Match the 7 9 d d d d #Ignrore..
Beginning PHP development - programming stack recommendation and web site resources [closed] with would remove one layer of complexity and allow me to concentrate on the webserver Apache maybe and PHP and not have to worry..