c++ Programming Glossary: cvset2d
opencv multi channel element access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1824787/opencv-multi-channel-element-access i j i j What is the easiest way to do this Something like cvSet2D of the old interface What is the most efficiant way Similar..
OpenCV insufficient memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5564966/opencv-insufficient-memory i j pix cvGet2D hsv i j Setting all pixels to black cvSet2D dest i j destpix2 hue pix.val 0 sat pix.val 1 lum pix.val.. color red if hue 5 hue 177 sat 120 lum 60 arr i j 1 cvSet2D dest i j destpix Looking for color green if hue 90 hue 100.. color green if hue 90 hue 100 sat 120 lum 60 arr i j 1 cvSet2D dest i j destpix Looking for color blue if hue 100 hue 110..
Convolution to blur the image produces a Sketchy output image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7891561/convolution-to-blur-the-image-produces-a-sketchy-output-image s s.val 0 A s.val 1 B s.val 2 G s.val 3 R cvSet2D img row 1 col 1 s Friends my Code seems to be doing everything..