

c++ Programming Glossary: cvcreatefilecapture

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


cvNamedWindow name box cvRect 0 0 1 1 CvCapture capture cvCreateFileCapture C video.mp4 image cvQueryFrame capture IplImage temp cvCloneImage..

Playing AVI files in OpenCV


Example2 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE CvCapture capture cvCreateFileCapture argv 1 IplImage frame while 1 frame cvQueryFrame capture if.. code lacks error checking maybe there was a problem with cvCreateFileCapture and you'll never know until you check the return of the function...

openCV: How to split a video into image sequence?


typically require the OpenCV methods mentioned. myCapt cvCreateFileCapture myInput.avi Assuming the feed is from a file. while there are..

OpenCV - getting the slider to update its position during video playback


The Tom 'n Jerry Show CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE g_capture cvCreateFileCapture argv 1 int frames int cvGetCaptureProperty g_capture CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT.. argv cvNamedWindow Video CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE video_capture cvCreateFileCapture Crowdy.avi int no_of_frames int cvGetCaptureProperty video_capture..

MJPEG streaming and decoding


JPEG images from an IP camera over RTSP . For this I tried cvCreateFileCapture_FFMPEG in OpenCV. But ffmpeg seems to have some problem with.. MPEG4 RTSP stream that can be decoded using OpenCV using cvCreateFileCapture_FFMPEG . However ffmpeg decoder's MJPEG codec has a widely known.. to play assert argc 2 load the AVI file CvCapture capture cvCreateFileCapture argv 1 cvCaptureFromAVI argv 1 always check if capture return..