c++ Programming Glossary: cv_8uc1
With OpenCV, try to extract a region of a picture described by ArrayOfArrays http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10176184/with-opencv-try-to-extract-a-region-of-a-picture-described-by-arrayofarrays out that region from image. Mat mask Mat zeros image.size CV_8UC1 drawContours mask contours_final i Scalar 255 CV_FILLED This..
OpenCV Skin Detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12968576/opencv-skin-detection findBiggestContour contours Mat drawing Mat zeros src.size CV_8UC1 drawContours drawing contours s Scalar 255 1 8 hierarchy 0 Point..
Convert Image Color from Grayscale to RGB OpenCV C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14571790/convert-image-color-from-grayscale-to-rgb-opencv-c can not open image endl return img Mat img if img.type CV_8UC1 input image is grayscale cvtColor img cimg CV_GRAY2RGB else..
PCA + SVM using C++ Syntax in OpenCV 2.2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4974709/pca-svm-using-c-syntax-in-opencv-2-2 src Mat srcnorm normalize src srcnorm 0 255 NORM_MINMAX CV_8UC1 return srcnorm int main int argc char argv vector Mat db load..
opencv create mat from camera data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6924790/opencv-create-mat-from-camera-data global Mat variable. The type for Mat structure I took CV_8UC1. Mat image_ function takePhoto unsigned int width getWidthOfPhoto.. dataBuffer getBufferOfPhoto Mat image Size width height CV_8UC1 dataBuffer Mat AUTO_STEP printf width u n image.size .width.. image_.create Size image.size .width image.size .height CV_8UC1 image_ image.clone printf width u n image_.size .width printf..