c++ Programming Glossary: cvhoughcircles
OpenCV: Using Hough Circle Transformation to detect iris http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12567520/opencv-using-hough-circle-transformation-to-detect-iris 9 9 Detect the circles in the image CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles grayscaleImg storage CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 2 grayscaleImg height.. this question Add a call to cvCanny between cvSmooth and cvHoughCircles . This will execute an edge detection algorithm which is going.. which is going to provide a better input image for cvHoughCircles and will probably improve your results. There's a lot of similar..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning Well basically you need to detect circles . Have you seen cvHoughCircles Are you allowed to use it This page has good info on how detecting.. IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny 50 100 3 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles gray storage CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 1 gray height 3 250 100 cvCvtColor.. detection of the circles depend a lot on the parameters of cvHoughCircles . Note that in this demo I used Canny as well. share improve..
How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8218997/how-to-detect-the-sun-from-the-space-sky-in-opencv such a result So centroid is on the Earth. UPDATE 2 Trying cvHoughCircles CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles.. CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles dst storage CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 12 dst width 2 255 100 0 35.. but the second no I've tried different configuration of cvHoughCircles couldn't find configuration to fit every my example photo. UPDATE3..