c++ Programming Glossary: cvrect
OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10315551/opencv-2-3-c-how-to-isolate-object-inside-image 0 maxVal.val 0 max i if minFound min i minFound 1 CvRect findBB IplImage imgSrc CvRect aux int xmin xmax ymin ymax xmin.. min i minFound 1 CvRect findBB IplImage imgSrc CvRect aux int xmin xmax ymin ymax xmin xmax ymin ymax 0 findX imgSrc.. return aux So i use IplImage my_image cvLoad.... CvRect bb findBB my_image IplImage new_image cvCreateImage cvSize bb.width..
Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10881397/setting-roi-with-mouse-from-a-rectangle-on-a-video event int x int y int flags void param bool destroy false CvRect box IplImage image IplImage frame2 bool drawing_box false void.. frame2 bool drawing_box false void draw_box IplImage img CvRect rect cvRectangle img cvPoint box.x box.y cvPoint box.x box.width.. box.x box.width box.y box.height cvScalar 0 0 255 2 CvRect rect2 cvRect box.x box.y box.width box.height cvSetImageROI..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file code char filename 6 for i 0 i faces faces total 0 i CvRect r CvRect cvGetSeqElem faces i CvPoint center int radius center.x.. char filename 6 for i 0 i faces faces total 0 i CvRect r CvRect cvGetSeqElem faces i CvPoint center int radius center.x cvRound.. i 8 3 8 0 Create a new rectangle for drawing the face CvRect r CvRect cvGetSeqElem faces i Find the dimensions of the face..
OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10315551/opencv-2-3-c-how-to-isolate-object-inside-image ymax 0 findX imgSrc xmin xmax findY imgSrc ymin ymax aux cvRect xmin ymin xmax xmin ymax ymin printf BB d d d d n aux.x aux.y..
Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10881397/setting-roi-with-mouse-from-a-rectangle-on-a-video drawing_box false void draw_box IplImage img CvRect rect cvRectangle img cvPoint box.x box.y cvPoint box.x box.width box.y box.height.. box.width box.y box.height cvScalar 0 0 255 2 CvRect rect2 cvRect box.x box.y box.width box.height cvSetImageROI image rect2 here.. break case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN drawing_box true box cvRect x y 0 0 break case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP drawing_box false if box.width..
Error in opencv code for motion detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14309111/error-in-opencv-code-for-motion-detection Rectangle to use to put around the people. CvRect bndRect cvRect 0 0 0 0 Points for the edges of the rectangle. CvPoint pt1 pt2.. 320 Draw the bounding rectangle around the moving object. cvRectangle colourImage pt1 pt2 CV_RGB 255 0 0 1 If the current object.. cvCreateImage imgSize IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 CvRect bndRect cvRect 0 0 0 0 CvPoint pt1 pt2 CvFont font char outFilename argc 2..
Place an image on an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1571683/place-an-image-on-an-image size as the thumb_frame cvSetImageROI show_frame.image cvRect thumbnail_x_pos thumbnail_y_pos thumb_frame width thumb_frame..