c++ Programming Glossary: cvsaveimage
Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10881397/setting-roi-with-mouse-from-a-rectangle-on-a-video vid_frame char c cvWaitKey 33 if c 27 break vid_frame NULL cvSaveImage processed.jpg vid_frame cvReleaseImage gray_roi cvReleaseImage..
Convert RGB to Black & White in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1585535/convert-rgb-to-black-white-in-opencv the above example 128 is the threshold. 4. Save to disk C cvSaveImage image_bw.jpg img_bw C imwrite image_bw.jpg img_bw share improve..
openCV: How to split a video into image sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4350698/opencv-how-to-split-a-video-into-image-sequence use cvQueryFrame save the file or do something with it... cvSaveImage some_file_name_with_seq_nr myImage cvReleaseCapture capture..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file name 0 name char calloc 512 1 sprintf name Image d.pgm k cvSaveImage name gray for int j 0 j 512 j filelist list j name j list..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning cvNamedWindow circles 1 cvShowImage circles rgbcanny cvSaveImage out.png rgbcanny cvWaitKey 0 return 0 The detection of the circles..
OpenCV cvSaveImage Jpeg Compression Factor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/801054/opencv-cvsaveimage-jpeg-compression-factor cvSaveImage Jpeg Compression Factor I am using OpenCV and saving as a jpeg.. Factor I am using OpenCV and saving as a jpeg using the cvSaveImage function but I am unable to find the Jpeg compression factor.. to find the Jpeg compression factor used by this. What's cvSaveImage ... 's Jpeg Compression factor How can I pass the compression..
OpenCV to use in memory buffers or file pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/801199/opencv-to-use-in-memory-buffers-or-file-pointers file pointers The two functions in openCV cvLoadImage and cvSaveImage accept file path's as arguments. For example when saving a image.. path's as arguments. For example when saving a image it's cvSaveImage tmp output.jpg dstIpl and it writes on the disk. Is there any.. will be in memory. I would also like to know this for both cvSaveImage and cvLoadImage read and write to memory buffers . Thanks My..