c++ Programming Glossary: cv1
Conversion constructor vs. conversion operator: precedence http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1384007/conversion-constructor-vs-conversion-operator-precedence the user defined conversion to be invoked. Assuming that cv1 T is the type of the object being initialized with T a class..
Does initialization entail lvalue-to-rvalue conversion? Is `int x = x;` UB? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14935722/does-initialization-entail-lvalue-to-rvalue-conversion-is-int-x-x-ub an object of type œcv2 T independently of the cv qualifiers cv1 and cv2. However while Jesse mainly focuses on the if necessary..
Why this warning from IBM XL C/C++ compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1615660/why-this-warning-from-ibm-xl-c-c-compiler bound to the temporary. If T1 is reference related to T2 cv1 must be the same cv qualification as or greater cv qualification..
Can you catch an exception by the type of a conversion operator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2343208/can-you-catch-an-exception-by-the-type-of-a-conversion-operator public base class of E or the handler is of type cv1 T cv2 and E is a pointer type that can be converted to the type..
Is it safe to “upcast” a method pointer and use it with base class pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4272909/is-it-safe-to-upcast-a-method-pointer-and-use-it-with-base-class-pointer An rvalue of type œpointer to member of D of type cv1 T can be converted to an rvalue of type œpointer to member of.. same cv qualification as or greater cv qualification than cv1. 63 The null member pointer value 4.11 is converted to the null..
Pointer to member conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4295117/pointer-to-member-conversion An rvalue of type œpointer to member of D of type cv1 T can be converted to an rvalue of type œpointer to member of.. same cv qualification as or greater cv qualification than cv1.63 The null member pointer value 4.11 is converted to the null..
What type should I catch if I throw a string literal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4831523/what-type-should-i-catch-if-i-throw-a-string-literal public base class of E or the handler is of type cv1 T cv2 and E is a pointer type that can be converted to the type..
Downcasting a base type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5967914/downcasting-a-base-type d . See the standard 5.2.9 8 An rvalue of type œpointer to cv1 B where B is a class type can be converted to an rvalue of type.. same cvqualification as or greater cvqualification than cv1 and B is not a virtual base class of D. The null pointer value.. of the destination type. If the rvalue of type œpointer to cv1 B points to a B that is actually a subobject of an object of..
C++ inheritance and member function pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/60000/c-inheritance-and-member-function-pointers § 5.2.9 9 An rvalue of type pointer to member of D of type cv1 T can be converted to an rvalue of type pointer to member of.. same cv qualification as or greater cv qualification than cv1 . 11 The null member pointer value 4.11 conv.mem is converted..
Downcasting using the Static_cast in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6322949/downcasting-using-the-static-cast-in-c the C standard C 0x wording A prvalue of type pointer to cv1 B where B is a class type can be converted to a prvalue of type.. same cv qualification as or greater cv qualification than cv1 and B is neither a virtual base class of D nor a base class.. of the destination type. If the prvalue of type pointer to cv1 B points to a B that is actually a subobject of an object of..
Dynamic downcast on private inheritance within private scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6927895/dynamic-downcast-on-private-inheritance-within-private-scope about the expression dynamic_cast T v If T is œpointer to cv1 B and v has type œpointer to cv2 D such that B is a base class.. object of the D object pointed to by v . ... bla bla about cv1 and cv2 ... and B shall be an accessible unambiguous base class.. about static_cast T v ... An rvalue of type œpointer to cv1 B where B is a class type can be converted to an rvalue of type..