c++ Programming Glossary: cv_32f
Inverse fourier transformation in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10269456/inverse-fourier-transformation-in-opencv 1 0 Go float cv Mat fImage inputImage.convertTo fImage CV_32F FFT std cout Direct transform... n cv Mat fourierTransform cv..
Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12957492/writing-python-bindings-for-c-code-that-use-opencv typenum NPY_INT typenum NPY_LONG CV_32S typenum NPY_FLOAT CV_32F typenum NPY_DOUBLE CV_64F 1 if type 0 failmsg s data type.. depth CV_16S NPY_SHORT depth CV_32S NPY_INT depth CV_32F NPY_FLOAT depth CV_64F NPY_DOUBLE f NPY_ULONGLONG f^1 NPY_UINT.. typenum NPY_INT typenum NPY_LONG CV_32S typenum NPY_FLOAT CV_32F typenum NPY_DOUBLE CV_64F 1 if type 0 failmsg s data type..
Accessing elements of cvCreateMatND http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6493687/accessing-elements-of-cvcreatematnd 3D array. int size 5 5 5 CvMatND matA cvCreateMatND 3 size CV_32F cvSetZero matA for int x 0 x matA dim 0 .size x for int y 0..
Multi-Dimensional data in a Matrix in OpenCV with C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8809517/multi-dimensional-data-in-a-matrix-in-opencv-with-c has a proper size and type hist.create 3 histSize CV_32F and clear it hist Scalar 0 the loop below assumes that the image..