c++ Programming Glossary: cvseq
OpenCV SURF function is not implemented http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11175794/opencv-surf-function-is-not-implemented C SURF 2.jpg CvMemStorage memoryBlock cvCreateMemStorage CvSeq image1KeyPoints CvSeq image1Descriptors CvSeq image2KeyPoints.. memoryBlock cvCreateMemStorage CvSeq image1KeyPoints CvSeq image1Descriptors CvSeq image2KeyPoints CvSeq image2Descriptors.. CvSeq image1KeyPoints CvSeq image1Descriptors CvSeq image2KeyPoints CvSeq image2Descriptors Only values with a hessian..
Better algorithm for edge filter in video programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12971093/better-algorithm-for-edge-filter-in-video-programming moments CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 CvSeq contours NULL CvSeq contours2 NULL CvPoint2D32f center int i.. storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 CvSeq contours NULL CvSeq contours2 NULL CvPoint2D32f center int i cam cvCaptureFromCAM.. 0 0 if contours NULL contours contours2 contours2 contours CvSeq current_contour contours double largestArea 0 CvSeq largest_contour..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file storage if cascade double t double cvGetTickCount CvSeq faces cvHaarDetectObjects small_img cascade storage 1.1 2.. found_face IplImage img CvPoint pt1 CvPoint pt2 if faces CvSeq faces cvHaarDetectObjects img cascade storage 1.1 2 CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny 50 100 3 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles gray storage CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 1 gray..
Convexity defects C++ OpenCv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6806637/convexity-defects-c-opencv countour and hull are vector Point calculated separately CvSeq contourPoints CvSeq hullPoints CvSeq defects CvMemStorage storage.. are vector Point calculated separately CvSeq contourPoints CvSeq hullPoints CvSeq defects CvMemStorage storage CvMemStorage strDefects.. calculated separately CvSeq contourPoints CvSeq hullPoints CvSeq defects CvMemStorage storage CvMemStorage strDefects CvMemStorage..
How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8218997/how-to-detect-the-sun-from-the-space-sky-in-opencv cvHoughCircles CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage 0 CvSeq circles cvHoughCircles dst storage CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 12 dst..