c++ Programming Glossary: cvcopy
Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10881397/setting-roi-with-mouse-from-a-rectangle-on-a-video temp depth temp nChannels cvNot temp temp copy subimage cvCopy temp temp NULL Main loop while 1 if destroy cvDestroyWindow.. Main loop while 1 if destroy cvDestroyWindow name break cvCopyImage image temp if drawing_box draw_box temp box cvMoveWindow.. Main loop while 1 if destroy cvDestroyWindow name break cvCopyImage image temp if drawing_box draw_box temp box cvMoveWindow..
Place an image on an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1571683/place-an-image-on-an-image I asked that before and I have been told to use cvCopy and cvSetImageROI but I dont want to crop on those coordinates..
OpenCV compare two images and get different pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4550458/opencv-compare-two-images-and-get-different-pixels the loaded image. cvCreateImage cvSize 640 480 8 3 use cvCopy to copy the contents and proceed as normal cvCopy fIplImageHeader.. 8 3 use cvCopy to copy the contents and proceed as normal cvCopy fIplImageHeader lastFIplImageHeader Alternatively instead of..
Converting cv::Mat to IplImage* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4664187/converting-cvmat-to-iplimage while loop over cv Mat array IplImage xyz IplImage array i cvCopy iplimagearray i xyz Which generates a segfault. Also trying.. while loop over cv Mat array IplImage xyz xyz array i cvCopy iplimagearray i xyz Which gives me a compile time error of error..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file frame nChannels if frame origin IPL_ORIGIN_TL cvCopy frame frame_copy 0 else cvFlip frame frame_copy 0 detect_and_draw.. cvSize img width img height IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCopy img clone 0 cvNamedWindow ROI CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvCvtColor..
Draw on webcam using OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5490655/draw-on-webcam-using-opencv cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCopy frame image 0 if drawing drawing is a global variable cvCircle.. cvPoint last_x last_y 10 CV_RGB red green blue 1 CV_AA 0 cvCopy image screenBuffer 0 cvShowImage Demo screenBuffer void..