c++ Programming Glossary: cv_8uc3
How to convert QImage to opencv Mat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11886123/how-to-convert-qimage-to-opencv-mat using the QImage memory cv Mat mat image.rows image.cols CV_8UC3 image.scanline This assumes that the Qimage is 3channels ie..
Multi channel Mat display function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12179059/multi-channel-mat-display-function improve this question What about this cv Mat myMat 2 3 CV_8UC3 cv Scalar 1 2 3 std cout myMat std endl Anyway your code is..
OpenCV get pixel information from Mat image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7899108/opencv-get-pixel-information-from-mat-image share improve this question Assuming the type is CV_8UC3 you would do this for int i 0 i foo.rows i for int j 0 j foo.cols..
Stitching 2 images in opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8205835/stitching-2-images-in-opencv done Mat final Size mImg2.cols 2 mImg1.cols mImg2.rows 2 CV_8UC3 velikost img1 Mat roi1 final Rect 0 0 mImg1.cols mImg1.rows..
Finding Contours in OpenCV? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8449378/finding-contours-in-opencv Draw the contours cv Mat contourImage image.size CV_8UC3 cv Scalar 0 0 0 cv Scalar colors 3 colors 0 cv Scalar 255 0..
In an OpenCV application, how do I identify the source of memory leak and fix it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8585852/in-an-opencv-application-how-do-i-identify-the-source-of-memory-leak-and-fix-it it's easy to convert back and forth Mat src width height CV_8UC3 IplImage legacyImg legacyImg IplImage src Other datatypes like..
Multi-Dimensional data in a Matrix in OpenCV with C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8809517/multi-dimensional-data-in-a-matrix-in-opencv-with-c image is a 8 bit 3 channel. check it. CV_Assert image.type CV_8UC3 MatConstIterator_ Vec3b it image.begin Vec3b it_end image.end..
Converting data from glReadPixels() to OpenCV::Mat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9097756/converting-data-from-glreadpixels-to-opencvmat The type depends on your needs usually it's something like CV_8UC3 for a 24 bit color image. cv Mat img height width CV_8UC3 or.. CV_8UC3 for a 24 bit color image. cv Mat img height width CV_8UC3 or img.create height width CV_8UC3 Then you have to account.. cv Mat img height width CV_8UC3 or img.create height width CV_8UC3 Then you have to account for cv Mat not neccessarily storing..
How to display a cv::Mat in a Windows Form application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9580397/how-to-display-a-cvmat-in-a-windows-form-application I'm assuming you have a color camera that is returning a CV_8UC3 matrix i.e. your PixelFormat Format24bppRgb . How about try..